
You Scots sure are a contentious people.

That quote alone made season 11 worth it.

"Awww, twenty dollars. I wanted a peanut!"
"Twenty dollars can buy MANY peanuts."
"Explain how!"
"Money can be exchanged for goods and services."

This whole quotes thread has made me realise just how great a character Reverend Lovejoy actually is.

I know story-wise it wasn't that great, but in terms of humour and heart, "How I Wet Your Mother" is one of my favourite latter-day episodes (in addition to the obvious ones such as those in the list and those dominating the comments).

Who is this Kristen Bell? Surely we mean Crystal Bell?

But I'm gay for Moleman :(

Can't contest that. I've wasted too much money and time to quit now.

Zutroy was the first character they added that I had to look up to remember.

Appearing in one episode didn't stop Zutroy.

Dr Hibbert should no longer be allowed to wear that sweater. For the love of all that's holy, don't drag Dr Hibbert down with you, Bill.

The real tragedy is is that she's one of the better female supporting characters.

They REALLY wanted to use the chimpan-a reference, but then they realised they couldn't name genuinely obscure characters. Anyone who considers Jasper or Hans Moleman "obscure" is a fool, I tell ya! A fool!

Ralph's still amusing from time to time, but he needs a great writer to be consistently funny.

Hmm, yeah, he can be added to the list too. The school, as a whole, has declined less in quality than the rest of the show.

Chief Wiggum lost a lot of good graces in my books for the clusterfuck that was The Boys of Bummer.

That was actually a really funny episode. Good sight gags, supporting characters like Wiggum and Chalmers were on top form, and an original plot.

Him telling Ron off for greeting Bob as a friend had my in stitches. Hugo is a necessary character, but Ron's sweetness makes him work.

For some reason he's one of my favourite kid characters on the show. He's got one of the most endearing balances of good traits and flaws, quirks and interesting relationships, and the like, and all in just two appearances.

The latest edition of General Goose's Thoughts on Bob's Burgers That No One Asked For:
- I really hope the guy manning the go-kart stall at the beginning reappears. I love his passive aggressive rant about how no-one looked at the online calendar.