
They brought back the Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan for a 9/11 radio sketch.

…fuck, wrong thread

They brought back the Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan for a 9/11 radio sketch.



I didn't like the deal, but I had to go along with it!

In the comics, post-prison Maggie went through a phase of pretending her family didn't exist as a coping mechanism. She might be doing the same here, they just forgot to state it as explicitly as in the comics (or at all). More likely they just forgot to write a scene with Maggie going "where's my sister?"

I hate to say it, but seeing Hibbert in that sweater and being reminded of his inspiration kinda…unnerves me ever so slightly in light of recent headlines.

When Bob was yelling "classic you!" at the turkey baster….my god, Archer memories.

Vaguely off-topic, but my favourite part about the movie and the post-movie seasons is that Ned's character was salvaged from the slump he fell into after Maude's death.

I somehow read that as "Blenders full of Becks". I now really wanna see a crappily animated flash film called "Glenn Beck in a Blender."

In the Loop. Watch it.

Am I the only person who doesn't care /that/ much for Glenn? Like, I'd be sad if he dies, but less sad than I will be for most characters.

Haha, they did something wrong and their wrongness is explicitly contrasted with an order not to do that wrong thing! Laugh, damn ya!

Milhouse is one of the best things about modern Simpsons. Definitely the strongest of the supporting kids characters these days.

I really wish they addressed Edna Krabappel's death. I'm probably putting far too much faith into modern Simpsons to handle such a heavy episode, but the Krabappel-Flanders plotline was surprisingly sweet for modern Simpsons. Krabappel was also one of the characters least damaged by the ages, and Flanders was on the

I would pay anything to see Bill Cosby have to be followed around by a sandwich board-wearing public warning engineer yelling "rapist coming!"

Damn my poor choice of words.

I also thought it was interesting because Tyreese is the least violent of the current crop of survivors. Could be a watershed moment for his character - accepting violence is sometimes the best and kindest way.

See, I agreed with him on Randall. It's just that, like everything else about Dale's character from the first couple of episodes of season 2 up until the moment he got bit, it was frustratingly poorly-written. He was VERY smart at times, but then he was like "oh I'll hide the guns" or "hey, let's not tell Hershel