
This is much better than the Ira Glass article which says to be a killer and ditch stuff that doesn't work. To me "Fail better" insinuates that your failures may not be failures after all. Instead of "killing it" try to finish it up, you'll never know what you do that might make someones life better someday. James

What the hell are they talking about!? The whole problem with creative people is that they give up too often. (That's why 90% of art school graduates are waiting tables.)

@joeny1980: He's going to get the 100k when they extend the Bush tax cuts. But judging by his commitment to be lame, it will surely trickle down all over us.

I thought he was going to say "give it to charity". At least he's not lying, that asshole. I would do something awesome, instead of think of the lamest thing I possibly could.

@Keav: It's true, but if it makes you feel better i though this was a guy too: []

I never heard of that game but that chick makes a hot cover! And before the trolls complain that video games should never be sexy -like they always do: note that she is wearing more than the man is and shut up.

@billysan: I was thinking that exact same thing! Seriously, what the hell is so hard about drawing in an anime style!? Americans are just completely incapable. Artists in Mexico, Europe, and Korean have it figured out, but in america ever anime style drawing looks like it's by the same dumbass!

That's because they buy your $60 games for $4 bucks.

@정신: I don't find dudes to be pretty. That's not really the definition of homophobia, that's the definition of straight. If you think guys are pretty you might be bisexual, unless you also think girls are handsome, then you're gay.

Somehow I instantly knew that was a guy just from the thumbnail on the main page.

never been hooked by a games story. But at the same time I think it's silly to complain about a games story. That's like complaining about a film's gameplay, or a book's moving picture. You want a story? Read a book.

@Deunan: guaranteed trolling

Kotaku better tell us when/where games are on massive sale in the coming weeks.

@wh213206: This is exactly the kind of question you should be asking (sister site of Kotaku).

Judging by the trailer the character designer must be an American middle school kid who enjoys drawing. Anime is NOT that hard to draw/design but western artist just don't get it.

that cover sucks. Hulk, Ryu, Chunli, have messed up faces. Capcom is known for good artists, so hopefully all the art doesn't suck like this.

@Shemhazaix300: No that's impossible. In fact they should make the main character ugly -how could such a pretty girl be strong enough to fight monsters? That's just not realistic, it should be a man -like in the marines or something. ...And monsters don't even exist -it should be soldiers instead. Now we're

@Relysis: as soon as a game is "sexy" you people come out of the woodwork complaining. You ever walked down the street on halloween in america? Are sexy costumes that foreign to you? If you think hollywood films are not sexualized you are lying to yourself. Why else did "mr and mrs. Smith" start with Angelina

are people complaining that this game has bonus costumes... or that the bonus costumes are "sexy"?

The review format is weird, it asks questions that I am supposed to be thinking. When I skim through reading only the questions that I would care about -the answers are all positive. Where are the negative comments? In "I never heard of fist..."?