
When GTA had that nudity "coffee break code" upset in their game, they had to pay a small amount to everyone who purchased the game. That was ridiculous... but in this case, Sony has compromised all of our credit cards, addresses, and other personal information. That's unacceptable. Are we all supposed to get new

What the hell is that guy talking about? Hasn't he ever heard of Jackie Chan? Drama directors don't know anything about action.

My god, too bad you didn't have your gun! You could have been shooting people.

Doesn't share my beliefs? I have friends of all different faiths and I've never questioned any of them once. But if some dude wants to say all people who don't believe in his christian god are rude, then f@ck him.

Most athiests are rude? So you are saying all the scientists are rude for their scientific evidence of evolution? I suppose it is rude not to pretend that metaphors in a book aren't concrete facts.

Laughable, even if Sony wanted to offer us PS2 games again on new systems, they would release like 1 game a year. Look at how many years it took them to release a handful of PS1 games on the new systems. It's pathetic!

@stereobot: I don't think you read the article. I think you looked at the picture/read the title and thought exactly what the writer wanted you to think. Apple doesn't censor their music, there's no reason to assume they are going to censor their books.

@Se7en_speed: You forgot buy a paper back book for 5 bucks, and: go to the library for the cost of moving one foot in front of the other.

@jdale: I spend my time worrying about corporations like Amazon. Is apple being fair to Amazon? Will amazon be the biggest online store forever?

@capyanno: A book is a digital piece of information that can't be acquired in any other material or medium.

@PsychoSuperman: It's no different than DVDs or Blu-Rays, you have to pay those a-holes before you commercially sell your movies. Just because apple invented itunes and everyone chose to use it doesn't necessarily mean they are evil. And if it does, then we should take a much closer look at all these other formats

@geolemon: People need to stop calling everyone Nazis for no reason. Soon the definition of nazis is going to change in the dictionary to "anyone or anything that a person doesn't agree with or understand at a certain point of time" and that's just not the definition of a nazi.

First of all, this article's title suggests that there is reason to believe apple will censor it's books and has a picture of a book burning.

@Geisrud: The radiation damage of constantly holding a phone to his ear is starting to show.

@Batman: There's no "China town level", there is an Asia town level -and this game was made in ASIA. Also Gay jokes are not "racist".

No one PREFERS to where glasses to watch TV. But why would anyone buy a 20 inch TV for $3,000??? It doesn't mean people WANT to where glasses. It means people want an affordable TV and some content that they can actually watch on it, other than a couple pixar movies.

So to create an HDR image you need 2 lenses, one over exposed one underexposed... then you kind of get closer to what the human eye is seeing, more so than a regular camera which requires tons of lighting just to create an image similar to the way people see things.

@Jeff Goodman: u don't need HDR eyes, because HDR is invented to fix the short comings of cameras that is a non issue in the human eyeball. The human eye is far better than any camera that will ever be created (unless you are blind). The only difference here is the exaggerated color and stylized blur, which you

What is the draw to the Verizon iphone? For the same price I pay now I would get LESS data per month (verizon is 150mb, Att is 200mb) and their data is SLOWER (it's slow enough as is). I don't have problems with my ATT voicecalls, and the "death gip" obviously isn't a problem, unless for some reason you don't want a

@WUSS: But you get not only less data with Verizon (150mb a month instead of 200), you get SLOWER data too -for the same price.