@NaeemTHM: I don't think it's fair to say that game is repetitive, there are more weapons and moves than a person can even fathom in one play through.
@NaeemTHM: I don't think it's fair to say that game is repetitive, there are more weapons and moves than a person can even fathom in one play through.
@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: just get that odyssey to the west game, what's the difference? The chick looks exactly the same.
@Mark 2000: the more movies spam CG the further they get from reality. Not just because of camera work, but because the technology makes it so easy (by automating much of the work) that you don't need to understand physics or anatomy. Many of the artists are more influenced by "the Matrix" than the real world, and…
So people hack your computer through your wireless router?
Moebius has illustrated a few Jimmi Hendrix images, not sure what the back story is on those images
"If god didn't want us offshore drilling he would give us a sign" -Sarah Palin
Anyone have tips for merging ones office into the TV room? I'm planning on putting the side of my desk against a wall and then putting a TV stand next to the desk. The problem is that computers are so distracting while trying to watch TV. (but I can watch stuff on my computer which is a plus!)
@Elak Swindell: yeah they only talked about it! Whats up w/ that?
I wouldn't blame the girl/passenger, what kind of an idiot takes off a sweater while speeding down the road? For all we know he just barked an order to grab the wheel while his face was covered.
I'm happy Power Rangers is still on the air. I am unhappy however that the show sucks. It would take very little to make that show great, but they make a point to be cheesy and embarrassing. The jokes are for 2 year olds, but the action and costumes are great. Just make it something the family can watch, rather…
why would anyone want to play as the taliban in a game anyway?
looks amazing
@BeerManMike: If Glen Beck is free to have an 80,000 all-white rally on MLK's historic site, and the NRA is allowed to hold a whatever the hell it is they do at Columbine high school right after the shooting, then Muslims should be allowed to practice their faith without being unfairly associated with the Taliban.
War games do a good job of recruiting young men into the army. And so does the latest add campaign that makes the army look like one awesome video game.
"10 best-rated games of all time" Is a different thing than the "10 best games of all time." I think the title of this article is wrong...
@roll41: They may be the best rated, but they are not "history's 10 best" as the title implies.
how many birds fly into that thing a day?
I'm glad that kids are too stupid to steal things better than video games. My house was robbed and the morons stole games and consoles, the cheapest crap I own.
those games kind of suck.
Critics criticize. If you want to give Ebert a hard time for one thing you don't agree with, then you must damn all the other critics along with him. Did he over step his bounds as a critic? No, they are just human beings with an opinion. And they should either not exist at all -or be free to have there stupid…