
@ObiHaiv: maybe his parents blocked the adult sites...

Do app creators ever make a million dollars? Seems like a hard life for the artists, while just selling some junk can make you a cool million.

@Alyssan: what do you mean by that? What chain?

to name a few...

Those hipster comedians can actually move? I am going to be pissed if I go see this and the actors are to stiff to fight.

apps suck anyways. I stare at my iphone wondering what to do with it. Nice to have google map on the fly (even though it sucks and has misdirected me to far off places with the same name as the close by places I was searching for). But apps are for making fart noises and popping zits.

can Macs get trojans? and if so is there any free software to detect them?

was just about to sell my useless PSP I am not sure!

@rich8606: The one above is no doubt CG that has been painted on. The one after the link where she is just standing is pretty impressive though.

@gurfinki: camera is different than gameplay. Personally I had no issues with the camera, because the cinematography was awesome. But I can see why people would get startled when enemies jump in and surprise them. To me it didn't matter since the gameplay controls were as tight as it gets.

This would be so much more fun than Mega Man!!!!!!!

I'm the type of person who checks everything before going forward to avoid getting locked out and missing the opportunity to find some useless treasure. But that kind of backwards thinking makes it difficult for me to play -because sometimes I can't figure out the simplest puzzle or I get lost.

@versatilias: Yeah, DJs would have no worries scratching the hell out of their records w/ a homemade copy!

@Igor Neumann: You are not the only one. These really suck -with a little bit of level correction they would have looked good, but if you aren't going to correct them at all then why bother feathering the edges to attempt to blend them together. Just do a harsh split screen if you are going to do a half ass blending.