
Joe shoulda been a monkey

CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW HE IS PLAYING MARIO IN THE PICTURE? Is that an iphone? It says "rom list" -is their an emulator for the iphone??

@Balmut: You can't make them play your broken old consoles, but ipads are so stuck in the past (game-wise) the only games they play are archaic ones like mario and myst (pictured above). That's the only problem with those devices -people are like: "wow I can play mario!" When the PSP is light years ahead of

@kitsuneconundrum: Kids may be dumb, but they can OWN you at whatever it is you do. I know acrobats who spent years learning the tricks of their trade. But when the new kids come in, they learn it all so quickly that they still have time to learn tricks that didn't even exist. Same goes for Art, Video Games, etc...

@tetracycloide: But how can all gaming go into the realm of touch screen? As soon as you see your finger/hand block half of the screen you are taken out of the immersive experience. Unless it's something like aiming a gun into the window that is the tv screen, but visually using your hand for direction is unnatural.

Has anyone shopped Steve Jobs to make him look like Kratos from GOW yet? If not, shame on you internet.

One question. Why is the player literally running headfirst into every enemy instead of just shooting it? Is there something Samus can do when she walks right into the enemy like an idiot? Or is it a fault in the game play, like having to press toward an enemy just to shoot at it -making you inadvertently walk

This article needs to be longer - It sounds like you are just scraping the surface by referencing video games, and the title suggests more.

Are these the itunes chart toppers, or are these Kotaku's favorites? I would rather hear what kotaku thinks are the best games, than see the chart toppers....

@dowingba: I couldn't agree more, there are definitely women in the world with large breasts. Not only is there nothing wrong with that -there is nothing wrong with a caricature of that.

In the company of small breasted women I've often been told that depictions like the one above are sick, but when a large breasted woman is in the room they say: "what's wrong with large breasts?!" and the haters shut up. Seriously, what is wrong with large breasts? Other than some subjective opinion that it is

People should be buying an iphone or ipad for other reasons. No one should watch a film (even that crappy one) on a phone or pad anyway. If anyone bothered to "investigate" the knock off phones and pads they would find plenty more to complain about. If this is the best dirt apple haters can dig up it only proves

Turn off the bars and map and even a seasoned MH vet will start to wonder.

All reviewers are WRONG. Roger Ebert was also wrong when he first saw "Fist Full of Dollars" and said it could never be good because it's a spaghetti western. Now he admits it is high art.

what's the jacket for? Keeping warm?

wet had potential, but it didn't look this good, and didn't play well at all. Looking at Itagaki's track record of tight perfect gameplay, I'd bet this game will in fact be a "masterpiece"

@Altima NEO: the camera is bad-ass, you are just focusing on the "ass" and missing the point. I know it sucks when monsters surprise you from out of frame, but from a cinematography point of view that camera work was great -and if you're skilled at fighting you don't usually die from the camera.

I wish the game looked like those japanese prints above.