No, I totally agree with you. In fact, the IT Crowd is a great counterpoint to "you just have to look beyond the laugh track." BBT has deeper problems, I'm afraid.
No, I totally agree with you. In fact, the IT Crowd is a great counterpoint to "you just have to look beyond the laugh track." BBT has deeper problems, I'm afraid.
I follow, but that is still all assuming GR is relatively (I'm so sorry) true. What I'm proposing (completely out of my ass, mind you), is that it seems to be a crazy time in the world of physics where nothing is sacred. So, let's say some incredibly tiny mass (neutrinos) may be able to travel at FTL speeds, but can't…
You hit the nail on the head, but I suppose my problem isn't even with the nerd-mocking (I'm as self-depricating as they come), but the fact that it does stick so closely to the cliches of a modern sitcom.
I tried to give the show a chance because a few people I respected seemed to like it, but the overuse of lingo to confuse the audience coupled with the laugh track that seemed to mistake periods in the script for cues was too much for me to handle.
Perhaps it only can travel at those speeds for a moment at the beginning of its existence? As it oscillates and travels farther from the point of origin, it quickly drops to its previously expected speed. We couldn't notice it before because it only happens over short distances, and the scope of the supernova…
I know plenty of people who could hold their own in a debate about theoretical physics and none of them remotely resemble anything on that awful, awful show. Want to see some real nerd talk? Go up an article and join in on the comments.
I'll join in on the chorus. In theory (groan, sorry), it'd be great, but the medium kills it.
This is awesome.
Ha! Is it too early to propose?
Fecking Obama.
Someone should tell Humble Indie Bundle, which I bought using Google Wallet more than a few weeks ago.
I know! He even calls out the Semi's entrance as a line break, instead of acknowledging that Nolan uses the Semi entrance to reorient the line to the center in the first place. I'd bet this guy has edited a lot of short sequences and never a feature, but that's just me being cynical.
The only rule in editing is that the shot works for the story. If there is a continuity error, but it's the shot you need, it's the shot that belongs. If you engage the audience in the story, they won't be questioning the inertia of a SWAT van or spatial relationships between characters because they are too busy…
That was the part that was most obvious to me. Let's go through it step-by-step, shall we?
I've never found the editing in Nolan's films to be his strongpoint - every movie he has ever made could easily be 30 min shorter - but this guy seems to be way off. There are confusing cuts and questionable character decisions, but the line of action and spatial orientation stuff he was bitching about were completely…
Then damn, 'cause he ain't right.
Haha, seriously. I feel like this guy heard about Nolan's problems with shooting action and looked for it in all the wrong places. I just want to tap him on the shoulder and show him some scenes from Batman Begins. "That scene is fine. Take a look at this."
Well, sometimes I'm pretty sure I could fry an egg on my MBP.
Intro DUAN
Waltz With Bashir is one of my all-time favorite films, documentary not withstanding. I cannot recommend enough.