Hmmm... This or this [[]
Hmmm... This or this [[]
@FauxFilms: ...and here it actually is.
Re: ~13 minutes when Kirkman says "jumping the shark"
Woah, weird. My roommate asked me today when this came out and I said "April I think." I'm sorry, guys.
@OMG! Ponies!: You forget the all-important cadence.
@SkipErnst: Haha, I'm glad there are 4 or 5 "this dude should use multiple cameras" comments above yours.
@ericlaw02: Thus the "with high definition cameras" clause in the first sentence.
@kaffenated: Yeah, you told him. I heard flying the space shuttle is easy as piss too.
@Pray4Mojo: I was hoping they'd be in the full-price release Turbo Goldeneye: Tournament Edition.
@MacTodd: You are the type of person that gives me hope yet. Thanks for being one of the few.
@Serge.: Seth Rogan, the lack of Edgar Wright, the general state of the motion picture industry, etc...
@MercerCh00x: This was always my explanation:
This just in: car salesman not looking out for your best interest.
@Grahamunculus the Corpse Golem: I constantly drum this beat on my desk.
@Whooped.D.Dew: Nooooooo! Mooooooorph!
@Graviton1066: Yeah, but then why do you even need the barge? You could just be floating down river on your giant balls.
@MrTripps: Isn't the friction from re-entry pretty much the entire point?
@Graviton1066: Except for the collection...
Well, I no longer have to wake up with night terrors of Shia as Yorick. The thought of Leterrier doesn't exactly give me hope, but baby steps I suppose.
@Annalee Newitz: How about nudity? I don't agree to anything unless I can slip in a little nudity.