General Halfshaftery

Ahhhhhh Kia Optima headlights!!

I could barely handle that music without vomiting.

And Ford's River Rouge plant is located somehwere in North America yes? Actually it looks so old it could be Pearl Harbour pre December 7th 1941.

Those Santa's Helpers have lengthy criminal records and outstanding bench warrants.

On second thought, i'll stick with my Diet Pepsi.

Not one post about what an idiot the guy was for 200+ MPH? I don't care about the Autobahn's no limit, at that speed you would punch through a car making a pass at 100 without warning.

Now if only terrorists would fly some planes into Anne Heche...

She a big girl, i can't overlook that... but she's quite pretty inside.

Hell if i was old enough to be in the market for a car back then that ad just might've worked on me.

What are Jurassic Park and the Cobalt?

Where's the carcass of the moose/bear/dog/hippo?!?

Thanks a lot mom and dad.

Jalopnik's ongoing near adoration of Jeremy Clarkson with nary a week going by without writing about something about him is my very least favourite aspect of the website.
