
Baseball Stars was the best.


tl;dr - let’s lawyer the shit out of this first.

I’d like to see Lester Holt correct obvious, easily verifiable lies throughout the debate tonight - but everything else produces a huge grey area.

This day sucks. Good riddance to September 25th.

“...this op-ed didn’t go over well with people who can read it”

Ken Tremendous made this show. How is this not the headline?

For this to work, all members of the press must follow the plan. The partisan organizations that can be sarcastically referred to as the “press” (Fox News, Breitbart, etc.) are not going to stand up for anything that decreases their ad revenue from bunker salesmen and robot insurance providers. Those outlets would

I am surprised that a minor league team hasn’t renamed themselves the “Ham Fighters” - the marketing opportunities are endless.

hmm. interesting.

Smacking dongs is easiest when you’re at crotch level.

That’s a nice story. It looks like it’s tough for fighters to resist the impulse to trash talk, though. I’m sure she didn’t mean to call the mom out, but it might have been better for her to leave out the “meekly built” part when describing what I assume was a normal person struggling to carry a child for miles down a

at least one good thing has come out of the Gawker transition: a renewed focus on bears.

Is this the first article on Deadspin that contains the word “Favre” without mentioning Brett Favre’s ding-dong?

Wait, isn’t she Miss Teen South Carolina / “The Iraq” girl?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Drew brought up hockey recently:

The nicest touch (of many in this article): the picture in front of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Whimsy? More like whoopsie, AMIRIGHT?