
Well <insert name> we had invented the internet. And we had 4chan and reddit. We thought we had seen the extent of stupidity on the internet. We didn’t know how wrong we were. We thought we had lived through the worst of the stupidity....and then -they- came...

I have no idea how I’m going to explain President Trump and the Paul Brothers to my grandchildren.

His name is Paparazzi Raptor. Get it right.

Watching randos scramble frantically to get out of the way of the flash mob is its own special fun.

Your culture, your genre, and your industry are capable of understanding the importance of snappy cuts!

I look forward to the duel Picklejo Arena battles that involve them throwing each other at you if you are too far away, or just beating you in the ground with themselves. God I hope they kept his theme, it’s just perfect for him.

Now playing

Okay so, apologies to all you JRPG fans out there, but most of the games you love are massive fucking time-sinks that feel horribly paced because of annoying little things like this adding up.

I like the events with large/small monsters, as it makes farming the mini/large crowns easier.

I enjoyed the Triple Threat Takedown. Everybody went in with the bandit mantle to drop scales, and the rewards frequently dropped 3-4 decorations.

*Inventory full. Manage inventory for 20 minutes to clear up space for new weapon mod. Play game for 10 minutes... Inventory full...*

The plug-in chip in Nier Automata where nearby items get magnetically sucked into you was an absolute godsend, and I can’t imagine doing any future replays of the game without equipping it as soon as possible. Damn near every game made with collectibles should have that sort of a feature, even if it makes no sense in

As much as I love Persona 5, this was one of their flaws. I don’t need a 5 second animation every time I loot a dirty shirt from Mementos. Then again they just had a lot of unnecessary stops in gameplay for things like this in general.

I was actually just playing this yesterday, and it’s interesting because they get chest-opening both right and very wrong. For resource gathering (like busting open the scrap boxes), it’s generally a quick and painless animation. Enough not to totally suck you out of the simulation (my only gripe with the AC:O

The fact that you have to stop moving to pick up resources in Horizon Zero Dawn drove me up a wall. Sure, it’s only half a second, but it’s half a second every 3 feet. It made me wish I was playing Zelda Breath of the Wild where you can just mash A to pick up a bunch of crap as you walk over it.

I’ve shared my thoughts on XC2 many, many times on our Facebook feed (please go follow us :p) and I think the general consensus is... there IS a lot to like, and your overall opinion of the game depends on whether or not its negatives are important enough to overshadow the good parts, namely the story, music, and

Animation locked interactions have very specific value in games, and abusing them as Xenoblade and countless other games produce “teeth-grinding-periods” I loathe.

Not at all. It’s just worth knowing what you’re getting into.

Is it really so wrong for a game to reflect the ideas of hope and child-like idealism? Seems like the kind of story we need these days.

It’s not like western games don’t have chronic storytelling problems, but it never ceases to disappoint me how many promising kid- or teen-oriented JRPGs are marred by storytelling that can’t pull off a universal all-ages appeal and instead just seems immature.

This game sounds like it might be interesting for my seven year old boy! He’s a pretty good reader and relatively sharp, and I’d like to get him on to a game a bit more substantial than the tablet trash games he plays. In this case, easy difficulty doesn’t sounds like such a bad thing. Are there any overly complex