True. What worries me though is it’s Squeenix. Half the Vita games they have don’t make it stateside (I’m still very salty about Type-0 and Setsuna.)
True. What worries me though is it’s Squeenix. Half the Vita games they have don’t make it stateside (I’m still very salty about Type-0 and Setsuna.)
So many games at TGS with international release dates... And this is the game without one? Dammit Squeenix.
My biggest concern with the Gen 1 Vita was the charging cable. It’s the one thing that if you lose it, the system’s useless even if it still has a good battery. And the first-party cables are so hard to find now. I was lucky enough to order a couple from the US last year.
Could be. I only saw ads for the aqua, though it came out at the same time as the orange.
Personally I really don’t like their Luna and Ardyn casting on the JP side. IMO They don’t match the personalities of the characters, especially after seeing how great their Kingsglaive equivalents were. Not enough strength/grace from Luna, not enough presence/theatrics from Ardyn.
Past few days, one in three matches I played on PS4 had a Mercy PotG.
It’s actually the reason why I outright stopped playing Pokemon games. There’s the super long save times, coupled with the walls of text before and after saving.
For sure. Not only that, but the travel distance on the Vita’s buttons are also much shorter compared to the DS4. For platformers and rhythm games, that makes the controls perfect. I kinda wish the shoulder buttons were the same way. They’re the only thing on the Vita that felt too squishy to me.
Could just be the lighting. The dpad/face buttons look exactly like the ones on the already released Vita Slims, which were also the same as on the OLED models.
Yeah, the last NA announcement was for the Aqua and Orange models.
glad to be of help. :)
PS4 player here.
Aye, furikake on rice works on its own. While nutritionally I don’t think it amounts to much, eating it feels like a complete meal. Of course you can always add some proteins and it’ll still taste good (hotdogs, fish, chicken, fried egg, etc.)
My longest wall ride was just 30 seconds... trying to climb up from a pitfall after getting blasted off by another Lucio... never made it up.
Working in motion graphics/animation, it’s a situation that happens a lot in my industry as well. Once you reach a certain milestone/deadline, hiring extra people isn’t as effective. They’ll need time to adjust to your pipeline and workflows, time you probably can’t afford to spend (worst-case scenario if programmers…
Aye. The March 2017 date was based on the orignal pitch ($500k goal, much smaller main game.)
Given the number of stretch goals and just the scale of the main game, this is not a bad thing at all.
Ironically, most PotGs I get involve me blowing myself up or falling off ledges. Rarely are my deaths from enemies...
I use Ice Wall against DVa’s Self Destruct to keep my party from dying, often on Hanamura.
AI doesn’t always have to be complex to be compelling.