
That’s one thing I fear if I ever start a business. Not being able to move away from it if I needed a break.

Now that’s some gashapon I’d wanna get. Btw, are these things shippable to North America?

The BBC article mentioned that it’s the bulk direct ordering that’s where LEGO said no. If it were sourced from toy stores or other resellers, or even donations I’d imagine there would be no problem.

directly from the BBC article,

(from the Philippines) we were more concened with the Japanese occupation at the time, so we didn’t really care about the Nazis. Is actually still a sore point for some people who lived through that era.

This gallery made me think of Mission 45... What Venom Snake, Quiet, and DeeDee could be doing if that incident didn’t happen...

indeed. Though from an author’s note it seems like Moffle wasn’t really connected to FMP story-wise...

I’m just as sad. Then seeing not-Bonta-Kun in Amagami brought my hopes up. Then learned he was there because they wanted him as a mascot and not because of an FMP teaser. Welp, off to watch Fumoffu again...

Recently they also have this trend where they have characters that have have milk teeth/buck teeth for added moe value.

The two major endings in there were very satisfying to me, though very emotionally painful. Actually justified the “Phantom Pain” title of the game.

Well, off to the side playing a rhythm game on my Vita. But nearby.

Well, Kojima’s done that with a lot of his characters ( male and female ) and it seems to work well for their games.

Blame the particular artist who did that artwork. Games of this type would usually have a lot of commissioned artists who do draw in their own style, ergo the random inconsistencies. I think some players would also value cards based on the artist and not its in-game effects, so there’s that.

God of movie mindscrew, god of videogame mindscrew, and god of manga mindscrew. All three collaborating for what could’ve been the best horror game.

add me as the fourth one. Using it both at work and at home.

The time it was released I was already aware of how bad the cutscene english VO was. Didn’t stop me from enjoying the heck out of the game. (Still several ranks above Dr. Fudd in Megaman 8)

Most of the time body and facial animation are done as separate tasks, even if you’re recording the performance capture for both things at once. You’ll also use completely different software to do the video analysis for the face and body, and different software to translate those to the animation software.

Yes I checked all vids. And that is how I’ve concluded that it’s the translation from actor’s recording to the character rig that’s giving it a stiff performance.

Two main reasons.