Gene Linet

I'm not aware of any overwhelming demand for a brighter aesthetic.

If you ate a diet of mostly Americans you'd be fat too.

They were all boring. Voyager had great gender equality in as far as boring characters were concerned.

It's understandable from the writer's POV… there might be pressures at play outside "stereotyping". Writing in a baby is an easy way to introduce conflict and drama, especially in a show that's exhausted other avenues. It's pretty lazy but effective. Also since sitcoms deal with interpersonal relationships rather than

I think in order to be a decent counterexample the character has to be a lead and has to be *old* so that it's clear that childlessness is a decision rather than merely something to be "remedied" in the future. There are, of course, several examples outside the sitcom format.

It would be very amusing if they were setting it up for a triple abortion. Of course, TV's not that risque.

spot on

You don't. Keeping a few near the toilet helps keep it fresh.

I think you're speaking of your own biases rather than any inherent in HoC. It does a good job slandering both sides, though I'd say for a political drama it's oddly "apolitical" when it comes to the issues. Republicans and Democrats are generally indistinguishable in the show (which, again, is quite representative of

Attack of the Clones adheres the basic paradigm of "good vs. evil". You'd be hard-pressed to find innocence in HoC; though there are several shades of grey. Cartoonish? Stylized perhaps… but the show isn't quirky. It pays homage to theater and I'm not turned off by that. Trivial? Certainly not. It's not a a feat of

Ugh… Anyone who considers something as cartoonish, trivial, and forgettable as "Orange is the New Black" a "better" series probably has tastes that are so far removed from anyone with a bit of wit that we may easily dismiss the article entirely.