Bradley Coopers

I love that we finally reached a point where Hating The Office has become a personality trait just as much as Loving The Office was for the past decade.

Eleven questions, the first of which should probably be ‘Who are you?”

I swear, the only people who hate liberals more than conservatives are other liberals. No wonder we can never seem to get ahead. I wish my side had some more solidarity and was less of a purity contest.

I know how humor works, though, and that wasn’t it.

Bro, it’s February. Take a Xanax.

Did something happen to the Waynes that involved a gun? I feel like this hasn’t really been addressed in any of the comics, movies, cartoons, or TV shows.

Also it really is his thing, and his thing only. I hope he never changes.

I know there are people who get tired of Wes Anderson because he only does The One Thing, but I still get excited over every new movie of his. I mean, yeah, he only does The One Thing, but he does it so well.

She is doing it because her agent keeps talking her into it.

Which is good because she is absolutely on brand here and this helps her career.  

Great write up, Katie! I fully agree with you about the ‘righteous’ anger that Tarantino feels against the Manson family, and my favorite moment is when Tex says his “I’m the Devil, and I’m here to do the Devil’s business” which is based on something Tex Watson really said. Tarantino makes the ludicrous and awfulness, look. Personal taste is a thing, I respect that people are going to have differences of opinion on the quality of a work, I get it.

I’m really going to miss this show.

It’s because people like her song. You don’t have to be so aggressively ignorant, you know.

I, too, am old. Yet I feel like I get Billie Eilish.

1. Make all the money

Lucasfilm does have it’s Feige. His name is Dave Filoni. But it sounds like, outside of his animation projects, the politics of that company do their best to steer him clear of the live action side of things. The guy has a pretty clear head about canon and he’s extended it quite well through his animation projects.

it turns out that maybe not everyone is Kevin Feige?