Gene Jacket

So...instead of “Comedic Mad Max” they decided “Guardians of the Galaxy, but shitty” was the way to sell this....

I mean, I don’t know what else I expected from an Avi Arad produced, Eli Roth directed Borderlands movie...

I will give the production design teams credit, it certainly looks like straight

This seems very strange, and my question is...what does Disney get out of this deal?

I have to assume, even with physical media sales being as low as they are, that Disney stuff (including Marvel and Star Wars) makes up a pretty huge chunk of that market. Maybe not having to pay for and maintain their own production

Normal people with healthy guts, probably not. Mine are super fucked up, so being in the bathroom anywhere from 10 minutes to multiple hours in a day isn’t uncommon.

I cannot wait to watch 20 minutes of a pirated copy of this on my phone while taking a shit....that seems like the only proper way to watch a Borderlands movie.

(And I’m a Borderlands mega-fan...or rather, was, until Borderlands 3 dumped a 10-gallon drum of cold horse piss on everything.)

They’re doing a different Spider-Man animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, it’s supposed to start in November.

Most, if not all, of it looks like CGI using various shaders to make it look hand-drawn, and kinda sucks.

The PS5 has felt like it’s been in the “latter stages” of its life cycle since the day it showed up.

Joking, of course, but I do feel like this generation of console has been incredibly underwhelming as far as the actual hardware is concerned. I can count on a one hand how many 1st party titles I’ve fired up the PS5

Was it just a fun little cameo with no future implications?”

Yes, he was never going to be the Reed of the MCU proper. The part was offered to him as a one-off cameo, as a nod to both his Cap audition and his fan-casting as Reed. That whole Illuminati lineup changed a few times during production, but they were all

I played Immortals for a few hours, and it’s not terrible by any means...but it isn’t doing anything new, the world isn’t engaging, the characters aren’t interesting, and the narrative is bog-standard sci-fi/fantasy pap.

The idea of a magic-based fps is a neat one, but a game has to have more than a solid core idea to

Sure...the problem being you shouldn’t have to rely on the pulse to be able to parse the terrain. It’s the difference between Bat-vision in the Rocksteady Arkham games, which (usually) gives you just enough clues to figure things out on your own, and the Bat-vision in WB Montreal’s Arkham Origins...which literally

I agree with the sentiment, though not necessarily because things are “too realistic”.

Take, for example, Horizon Forbidden West. It’s drop dead gorgeous, it’s also so ridiculously dense with foliage and volumetric fog and bloom and blah blah blah, stuff to make things feel more “alive” that (at times) it becomes

The unwashed reddit/tweetosphere needs to understand that THEY are not representative of the other millions who play videogames and aren’t terminally online. This kind of thing isn’t FOR THEM. The devs didn’t put that stuff in to insult your intelligence, they put it in for the normies and there are way more of them

Unrelated, it seems weird that Brainiac’s hold on the JL just makes them “evil” versions of themselves and isn’t like a full mind control thing.”

It doesn’t do a great job of explaining how the mind control works, especially since they explicitly show us with Diana using the lasso on Flash that the mind control can be

And a Bebop collab...son of a bitch goddamnit, they got me....

The problem with Game Pass on other platforms is that it’s intrinsically tied to the Xbox Storefront. Were GP to appear on PS or Switch, MS would have to build discreet versions for each platform. Licensing wouldn’t allow them to have parity across all of them. 3rd party titles would go away on those platforms and it

I was about to say the same. The game itself literally shows you this image after you roll credits, it ain’t some super guarded secret...and also all of the first year characters have leaked before the game was even out, we know who (relatively, cause Multiverse) all of these are.

Look, I get being upset by the idea that your preferred console manufacturer may be abandoning their platform...but that’s not what may, potentially, one day, be what’s happening here.

Microsoft lost the “console war”. Look at the numbers for every single generation of Xbox console, they lost every one. People will

Nothing against the devs of this, I hope they all find success and remain gainfully employed, but I will not play this, nor will I play Bloobers SH2 remake. Silent Hill is dead and, as far as I’m concerned, will remain dead until it’s out of Konami’s hands.

Loved every second of Horizon Zero Dawn and ended up buying a PS5 half because we knew Forbidden West was coming (half for the eventuality of Spider-Man 2)...boy did I ever end up very, VERY much disliking it. Easily the most disappointed I’ve been in a game in a long, long time.

To me, it’s a sequel that learned all

All of these survival games are just Inane Chore List Simulators, and I do not even remotely understand the appeal.