Nah, it looks exactly as dumb as everyone assumed when it was announced.
Nah, it looks exactly as dumb as everyone assumed when it was announced.
If studios/platform holders/publishers can’t be bothered to give enough of a shit to properly archive the content they produce so it’s easily accessible, especially if it’s content we’re paying for, then it is a moral imperative to do it for them.
Boy howdy, I honestly can’t think of two things I want less out of WB Animation.
The same could be said about the decade of WB as a studio.
If they were “weeks away’ from wrapping, that isn’t an episode or episodes worth of material, that’s individual scenes. Everything is written, so depending on what’s left, Disney could move production to the UK to complete what they can with non-SAG actors and wait to finish shooting Principals when the strike is…
A perfect example of this is Hollywood’s favorite comeback kid...Robert Downey Jr.
I’m not going to say he doesn’t deserve all his success. He cleaned himself up, got his shit together, and he put in the work. I don’t think anyone would or could argue that...but he has, reportedly, made around $435 Million from Marvel…
FWIW, the show was referred to internally at Lucasfilm as “Rebels Season 5", so that’s pretty telling...
I also said “how hard it hits is going to depend on the viewer”, but I stand by it, regardless.
The real shame of all of, literally everything surrounding the film that isn’t the actual film that it’s a genuinely good film.
The script is damn solid (Christina Hodson continues to kill it), the performances are great across the board (I don’t care for Ezra as a person, but they’re giving exce…
I’m sure they did some, and they probably did the performance capture or VO...but with mocap the age of the actor wouldn’t make any difference.
The live action plates are shot (or, mostly shot), but the primary actors are still used in Motion/Performance capture, and that would be a no-go.
He could use stand ins but, knowing how uncompromising and how much of a perfectionist Cameron is, he’ll almost certainly wait it out.
I’m genuinely at a loss as to how this is supposed to be anything but great news.
I don’t know about y’all, but the last thing I want is to spend the next decade doing the completely unnecessary slow-burn worldbuilding thing. Audiences aren’t (quite) as stupid as studios tend to assume, you don’t need to waste precious…
That’s ultimately up to the audience, but barring WB completely burning down (a very real possibility as long as Zaslav is running the place), yeah...making DC a viable competitor to Marvel is the entire reason they’re putting the current DCEU out of its misery and why they put Gunn in charge of everything.
I can all but guarantee there will be at least hints toward the Reach in there, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they tease them big time for a potential sequel.
Gunn runs the whole studio, so if they ever make a JLI movie, he kinda has to be involved.
Also, don’t hold your breath, they’ve got a LOT of projects (both announced and unannounced) in the works. I suspect it’s going to be a LONG time before we see the name Justice League on anything.
One of my best friends growing up (and not romantic in any way, that’s important) met and eventually married a guy in college who did not allow her to speak to or hang out with any other guys, and only let her see her girlfriends when he was around. I ran into them about a decade ago, it my first time ever meeting…
We had full 2 year gap in theatrical releases between Spider-Man Far From Home and Black Widow, and an 18 month gap where there was nothing released theatrically or on streaming between Far From Home and Wandavision.
The real problem is that the train is out of the station and it can’t stop moving now...even with the…
Fans generally liked her as the character, but the movies not so much.
I’m assuming they are seeing a sizable drop in viewership, not because Cavill left (he hasn’t yet, this is his final season), but because most viewers know this is his final season and don’t feel the urge to continue watching a show they know they aren’t going to stick around for.
Regardless, this whole thing is super w…
There are people in this country, several states and thousands of miles away, that are going to take vacation and load up their families to visit...a gas station.
I just want everyone to think about that.