Gene Jacket

Can we not with the hollier than thou bs?

Look, if this has soured you on the game and you decide not to buy it, that’s fine. I don’t hold it against anyone to not support a product they feel was compromised in one way or another.

There are, to me, a few red flags in Taylor’s videos and how she’s going about her shit

By that line of reasoning we should all go live in caves, cultivate our own land, hunt/raise/grow our own food, produce our own textiles to make our own clothes, and never spend another fucking cent buying literally anything ever flash...every single corporation on earth is either amoral or (more

What? I didn’t say anything about postponing anything. I have zero issue with Taylor calling out Platinum, an offer like the one she received is absolutely disgusting for the role she’s playing (though, to be fair, she should really be calling out Nintendo, since they’re bankrolling the production and the decision

So...saying that we shouldn’t boycott the work of hundreds of people who spent years of their lives developing a project because ONE person was (justifiably, it seems) insulted by a job offer on said project that they ultimately declined is being an asshole?

We’re getting one side of the story. If Taylor is Union, then

Not gonna be an asshole about it, but, there are much better ways to go about bringing light to these kinds of shitty business practices, a decision likely made by one or two shitty suits, without calling for a boycott and belittling the work of every single developer who spent years of their lives toiling away the

That’s...actually not a terrible idea. Just make it a running gag, like Stan’s appearances. Marvel Comics exists in Marvel Comics, makes sense the MCU would exist in the MCU. Certainly someone would be making movies about The Avengers and Co. in-universe. It could also solve some of the issues with the questions about

This super sucks for everyone who spent the last year+ of their lives to get it of the ground and my heart goes out to them, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see it coming.

As soon as the announcement happened that G4 was coming back, my first thought was “oh, that’s cool”...swiftly followed by the second thought

Because, outside of the cameos, she’s the only member of the core cast that’s a genuine star. She’s great, as always, but her presence gives off bigtime “Why is Rosario Dawson slumming it in this crap?vibes.

It’s kind of a cop-out to say she’s too good for the material, but she’s 100000000000000000000% too good for

Jersey Girl always felt to me like his one attempt at making an “real” movie that wasn’t entirely propped up by his worst impulses as a writer/director...and it failed so hard that he’s seemingly never bothered to put the effort in again. Which is a shame, both because I think the film is solid despite its flaws and

Fuck that. Admittedly, I am not at all a fan of the franchise, even though I keep trying them hoping one will click with me. One finally did with Odyssey, because I love Greek Mythology, and I kid you not that it took me 2 years to finish the campaign because every single goddamn time it pulled me out of the best

The entire “Two Brothers” bit is the painfully long and unfunny setup to the the punchline of Justin breaking and making himself laugh when he runs out of shit to say. It’s worth it for that alone.

Real Fake Doors, though, now that’s a legitimately brilliant piece of comedy writing.

I fully support theft from Herschel Beahmand anyone who would professionally associate themselves with him. 

Borderlands 3

Best: Interplanetary travel (Yes, that shit was great!), sliding and vaulting (welcome to the 21st Century, GBX!)

Classic Red
Original Red & Yellow
Makeshift Black “suit”
Solid Black Shadowlands
Red and Black Shadowlands
Armored super edgy 90's suit

And that’s not even mentioning all the alt-reality/future versions.

Fun Gamestop story from a few weeks back...

I have the Monster Hunter Rise SE Switch which I never play handhelp and don’t want to risk damaging those joycons, so I was looking for backup joycons to use for stuff like switch sports and ringfit. Didn’t really want to drop $80 (seriously, Nintendo, $80 fucking dollars is

I’m curious, what exactly has SEGA done in the past...oh, 20 years give or take...that gives anyone the impression they know what the fuck they’re doing with anything?

Reform nothing, burn it all down.

I don’t believe him.

Boy howdy, Sonic Team just never learn, do they?

Now playing

Because 2K’s marketing team can’t be bothered to do their goddamn jobs and put out some info that actually tells us anything about the game and how it plays, here’s a hands-on preview from Arekkz that actually makes me way more hopeful.