Gene Jacket

I’m not saying CDPR isn’t responsible for some level of expectation, and they certainly didn’t do themselves any favors by entirely misrepresenting what the game ultimately ended up being. That said, from the second that very first trailer dropped back in 2013 people were frothing at the mouth and claiming it would be

In the way that it’s designed and laid out like a real ass, actual city because CDPR hired and consulted with real life civil engineers, architects, and city planners.

Every single other open world game that takes place in a metropolitan city both looks and feels like a fake video game city. They don’t feel like

Makes sense to me, it’s a good game.

It’s not the All Time Greatest Game Ever Made, as everyone unfairly assumed it would be, but it’s a pretty enjoyable Deus Ex-like. It also features probably the single most “realistic” and believable city in the history of the medium. Even for all its many, many faults, Night City

Design elements like the ones you’re talking about only lend themselves to animated fare. The look of Sonic, a character who simply cannot exist and must be realized via cgi, is vastly more important than a character who can and should be represented by a real, live human on a set. Sonic is a brand unto himself, no

How, exactly, does that make it worse?

An adaptation, ANY adaptation, lives or dies not on how faithful it is to the source in terms of aping designs or how much bullshit fan-service they can squeeze in, but whether it can manages to capture the essence and spirit of the source.

Divorce what this film is from your

I’m with you on Walberg but, c’mon, Holland looks close enough to young Nate.

Make no mistake, I don’t care. I play games because they’re fun AF, not to be artificially rewarded for doing something I already enjoy. The extra customization options are nice to have, but entirely unneccessary for something like Halo. Regardless, a lot of people feel that they NEED to be rewarded for playing

They know Halo matches are like potato chips. You aren’t going to log in and play just one.

But here’s the catch: You can only unlock one tier per day.

I should preface by saying I know virtually nothing about the specifics workings of NFTs, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the perceived value of them that they’re total one-offs that ”can’t” be replicated?
And isn’t it that the actual artwork isn’t what’s worth anything, it’s essentially the link to said

If you care, we care too.

So, the implication being that they assumed no one cared, so they didn’t either? That doesn’t exactly bode well for the quality of this game...

A few years ago a former coworker was busted for child porn. Not just possession of it, he had camera equipment and was found to be part of rather large ring of pedophiles.

I’m still greyed, so no one will see it, but I commented earlier with what should be a relatively easy fix for all of this.

Give each mode its own discrete set of challenges that are only active while in that mode.

So, instead of having a big list of active challenges that make players hop around from mode to mode, when

Here’s an idea...

Instead of having a big, list of random rolling challenges that make you hop back and forth between all the different playlists, give each playlist its own discrete list of challenges per week so no matter which mode you’re in, you’re always working toward something.

Also, is there a way to check

Of course they don’t.

I’m willing to bet that not only do the devs not understand them, the vast majority of the suits who insisted on them don’t know what the fuck they are.

Over/Under on TGA being the only GotY award It Takes Two receives? Nothing against it, but I’m a super nerd who follows every publication and a ton media folks...and I’ve heard no one, literally not a single person, publication, or outlet, mention It Takes Two as a potential GotY contender. Most seemed slightly

“We’re concerned that the current CEO and board directors don’t have the skillset, nor the conviction to institute these sweeping changes needed to transform their culture, to restore trust with employees and shareholders and their partners,” Illinois state treasurer Michael Frerichs told Axios.

That sucks, but I do get it.

Up until Titanfall, I’d never been excited for a strictly pvp game. I wasn’t a big fps person at the time, but Titanfall just looked too damned cool not to at least give the old college try, and I adored the shit out of it. Titanfall 2 obviously blew TF1 out of the water with a better

Most of these I would not peg as “stunt casting”.

Generally the term is used as a marketing ploy to get asses in seats because the producers knew the film wasn’t very good on its own, so they go after “Name” actors. None of the films on this list that I’ve seen, though, were sold on the bankability of the actors. In

PC player here, 38 hours under my belt and, as far as I know, I haven’t been in a single match with a “cheater”. Maybe it’s different in ranked, but in your basic quick play and btb matches not only is it decidedly not “massive”, far as I can tell it’s virtually nonexistent. Or maybe I’ve just been cosmically lucky...