Gene Hult

Go away, Tony Saturday.

Right. Bianca never HAD to lipsync, but I don't doubt for a second that she would have thrown her whole self into destroying her competition if she'd been up for elimination.

THIS. There must have been major drama about who was going to wear what in the workroom and we saw none of it. All we got was another sob story empowering moment like the ones we've gotten every episode so far. Give us the competition! They're mistaking backstory for plot.

Yeah, she's missing Charisma and mostly NERVE.

I definitely think it's deliberate, and I admire how Untucked is the boy version of the Glamazonian Drag Race. This show is all about dualities and facades, and so this unplugged Untucked really works for me. Plus I love the tinkly ominous piano intro music.

At the beginning of the sync, I thought Trixie was winning, even with the awkward playing-against-Blondie thing of being too cutesy. But then there was a moment when I could see Pearl realize she was losing, and she sparked — back on the runway, she amped up her intensity, and pulled focus. Sure, that might have been

Jafar mesmerizes people with his cobra-headed cane in Aladdin, too.