
Whoa.... BIG THIEF’s CAPACITY is not on this list. COME ON AVCLUB!

Fuck the Jets.

Maybe a lot of people are just sick of reboots and franchises??? I love the original Blade Runner but am in no rush what-so-ever to see 2049. Might get around to it some day. Saw it got great reviews. Still don’t care.

“I recently re-watched the film, which I’ve never really liked.”

Canada does not have FREE healthcare. We have UNIVERSAL healthcare and we pay a lot of taxes to make it work. That said, it’s clearly a vastly better than the US system (unless you’re a rich person).

GET A LIFE PEOPLE. The first ingredient in this “sauce” is high fructose corn syrup, so you can pretty much eat any American food and get the same effect.

First, can people please stop analysing hockey like they do football? It’s an 82 game season! The team that wins the Cup might lose over 25 games this season, many by a multiple goal margin. I hate the Pens but some of these comments are just dumb.

I enjoy the show, it’s alright, but FFS is there a more annoying fan-base for any TV show out there right now?

Counter-counterpoint: No one wants to go to movie theatres anyway.

To be fair, they already show way too many trailers. 15 minutes of trailers and a 15 minute music video (even if it’s by a band I really like) - I’d be annoyed too.

Update... and then they lost the Championship deciding game 18-2 lol

How’s that working out?

I’d say Antisocialities is their best work but then I’d be Rankin their albums.

Manitoban here: I can confirm it’s called Soccer Baseball because that is what it is - Baseball with a Soccer ball.

FIRST. It’s crazy that no one has commented on this review considering this show has a lot of fans on The Internetz.

Why doesn’t the Review page Category drop down have “TV” as an option? lol

"delightfully violent Western, Westworld"
What is this an EDITORIAL???