“No! No—cut slits in me first!” That line is gold.
“No! No—cut slits in me first!” That line is gold.
What about *this* Max Steele? https://trigonis.files.word…
What the hell am I gonna do with this warehouse full of Ken Bone shirts now?
You could probably get a tenured position at a university teaching Gloop and Gleep's language.
My boss doesn't consider Columbus Day to be a holiday.
Grab 'em by the fanny.
What about a show centered on Bruce Banner's moonshining grandpappy who was a drunk with rage issues?
Irrational Man was great. The turn it takes was totally unexpected and really satisfying.
What's "Alien 3"? There are only two Alien movies, you know.
They look like they're the Sons of Anarchy, getting ready to de-patch some transgressor.
The only people that support Trump that aren't morons are wealthy sociopaths who care more about their tax cuts than what happens to the country.
"Sorry, it might have a little BBQ sauce on it."
I heard that they changed Bruce Banner to David Banner for the Hulk TV show because in the 70s and 80s, the name Bruce evoked homosexuality.
'He says he was born in the USA. We'll see about that.' #orangeasshole
We'll have to instill in the AI a sense that hacking oneself is a mortal sin.
It's sad when I look up prices for my 90s comics and they're less than the cover price.
But then the Lasts will become the obvious firsts, and the Firsties will become Lasties.
She was cool in Green Room, a good movie about punk rock. And neo-Nazis. And dogs.
A show about the early days of punk in New York would actually be cool. Just get rid of the mafia murder crap. Someone should just make a series out of Legs McNeil's "Please Kill Me".
*Peaky Grinders" is a great show about gay cruising in England during the 1920s.