
Hey, whaddya know, it turns out I AM, in fact, willing to buy Dark Souls a third time!

*cracks knuckles*

Honestly, the old Marines, Chaos, Orks, Eldar lineup would have worked as well. My gripes about Orks not withstanding. This one’s just weird.

Damn, I JUST finished Life is Strange last night on PS4. I don’t know if I’m emotionally prepared to jump back into that world yet...

I friggin’ loved Life is Strange, but I really wonder why they decided to make a prequel. I was interested in Rachel Amber, but unless it’s just going to be some of her escapades with Chloe (without superpowers), I’m not certain what this could do without affecting the original Life is Strange. Chloe had never come

D&D streams never interested me until i saw Critical Role, DM’d by the afforementioned Matt Mercer, on Twitch by accident. And really, none has interested me since either. CR seems to be one of a kind.

Its a crime that this had to come out at the same time as Zelda, I wish it’d come out the first week of January or something so it would have more time to shine.


I don’t think the learning curve is too bad for what it is. It took me a couple nights to “git gud” of course the problem is that similar to Rainbow Six Siege, the longer you wait to dive in, the harder that skill gap is going to be to close.

That’s what I’ve been telling people to give them the right idea of For Honor.

For Honor is maybe the most perfectly executed Ubisoft game in a really long time. I know that doesn’t say much, because their titles often have issues at launch, but For Honor’s systems and gameplay were just so damn well done. Personally, it’s not my type of game - I suck at fighting games and prefer single player

I am a straight man and I am right there with you.

I’m a gay man and I main Mercy and find her hot as fuck.

That’s kind of how capitalism craftsmanship works, you pay more than the base cost because it saves you the time and effort and they can likely do it better than you

Not really a entry, since I did not create it. Nor does it use the recommended image. But yeah, I thought this was worth posting. I’m hoping Ellie says “I’m already a demon”. Let the hate flow through you..

Is it weird my favorite ship from Overwatch is Ana-Reinhardt?

Go listen to some Critical Role and get that lady boner worked.

Kirk, I love you, I love you now and always and I love Tombstone and routinely quote the movie with my big brother at least 9 times a day.