I can’t help feeling Meghan’s navigating a subtler, British version of the racism directed at Michelle Obama.
I can’t help feeling Meghan’s navigating a subtler, British version of the racism directed at Michelle Obama.
That said, other celebrities probably don’t mind about his faked style and machismo because they themselves are also giving us a facade.
I dunno I think maybe she trying to co-opt Amber Rose’ buzzcut thunder.
There’s always a chance it could be your basic Oxytocin surge.
There are so many of these 10 year+ relationships that collapse as soon as they codify it in marriage.
Wow! You have very good taste.
Thank you!!! Nice gif! I’ve had a major crush on Joel Edgerton for like, forever.
“I Dream of Darlene”
Thank you. Doesn’t the First Lady have a professional managing her wardrobe and outfits? There is something very deliberate, ugly and subversive with this choice. Her shameful message is staring us in the face but we’re all too horror-struck to absorb what we’re seeing.
I’m super-impressed with how socially conscious she is. Here’s a wonderful interview with Gina on Marc Maron’s WTF.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Sounds like his brain is stuck in first gear.
Thank you for your effort on behalf of Geminis everywhere. I am a Gemini and it has been a difficult year. I mean, Trump aside, the kinds of Geminis making the news have been... let’s say, problematic. Johnny Depp. Mark Wahlberg. Tim Allen. Shia LaBoeuf. Anne Heche. Clint Eastwood. Morgan Freeman. C’mon, people. What…
I live in LA and although I don’t work in entertainment I know a lot of actors and get regular dirt on the industry. The fact that Munn was told to “do her own glam” does not surprise me in the least. I have no doubt that actors were lining up around the block to be in the film – replete with Met Gala-ready gowns,…
The entire contemporary American zeitgeist is an unintentional parody of South Park.
You nailed it for me. Srsly, how in hell could NPH not know who Rachel Bloom is? Last I looked they both specialize in that singing/dancing Broadway comedy/television crossover performance style.
I guess I wish more people would take the time to think “What am I trying to achieve by sharing this?”
What is the solution here?