Gena Cunningham

"SerPunt", "Peggy's Fan Fair", "Witches of East Arlen", "Mega-Lo Dale"

I cannot narrow down my faves…."The Substitute Spanish Prisoner" (great guest-voicing by Jeff Goldblum), is one of my favorite favorites…
"Who in here's a doctor?" Three people shout "I am!"
Re. Jimmy Witchert :"Sure, look at him now, but you should see him when he drops a box of toothpicks."

"Pigmalion", "Hank's Cowboy Movie", "A-Firefighting We Will Go", "Dances With Dogs", "Uh-Oh Canada", "Fun With Jane and Jane", "Luanne's Saga", "Hank's Dirty Laundry", "Life in the Fast Lane: Bobby's Saga", "Dog Dale Afternoon", "Nancy's Boys", "Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men", "Now Who's the Dummy?", "Hank's Back

I've seen "Hilloween" many, many times; I've always enjoyed it the props Mike Judge gave to The Peanuts' Great Pumpkin; I never noticed Hank's direct" reference to Charlie Brown's famous line at the end his famous soliloquy in "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown": Hank's in the street, surveying his fellow Arlenians' (or

"Dale to the Chief", "Daletech" and "The Petriot Act" are my faves, but it's soooo hard to pick my top 10! KOTH is one of my favorite shows ever. I started watching it with my husband, and our cartoon-loving 12-year-old daughter can watch it without me worrying if it's appropriate; we love watching it together!
