Yeah it’s just a shame that Brady wasn’t media savvy enough to realize that putting Trump’s hat on full display in his locker would make people think that he was endorsing him.
Yeah it’s just a shame that Brady wasn’t media savvy enough to realize that putting Trump’s hat on full display in his locker would make people think that he was endorsing him.
Sorry, didn’t mean to shortchange Lee Graham and his 6 at bats in 1983. Seriously though do you ever go to Baseball Reference? Thanks for the (integrated) laughs dipshit.
That was all because of Red not Boston and holy shit, congratulations for signing a black guy to play professional sports in 1992. I can’t believe there isn’t a mural of that in the lobby of the Prudential Tower
You realize that Chico played in 4 games and Oil Can played in 15 right? So for 90% of the year he was the only black player. You keep holding on to that 10% though champ, that counts as integration!
Also, can we take a moment to just have a good laugh at Boston having a monument to any black athlete?
At least I understand why Brady is voting for Trump. I will never be angry when rich people vote in their best interest.
I think that it’s more than disingenuous to purposely leave out those facts because they either conflict with the preconceived narrative or the writer didn’t bother to actually listen to the entire interview. Either way it’s bullshit.
Yeah if it’s purely gossip and not actual news, I have zero problem with clearing the question beforehand.
That was a human interest/gossip question, why would it be a problem for Helwani to clear it with the people involved ahead of time? It’s not like he was clearing questions before asking about a legitimate story.
Can’t wait to see your scorching hot takes you have for your fellow journalists at that are writing the hit pieces about Peter Thiel. Any idea when those will go up?
Turn around?
People who say/type, ‘cado instead of avocado deserve to Die. In. A. Fire. Screaming
Great, just what we needed, a bunch of cunts running a website they have no business being on. I pity those unfortunate Jezebel readers.
Never admit. Always be vague (I was being stupid, sorry) never say anything that can be used against you in court.
First suspect...Bengal55
If history is any guide, this will only help the show. I mean, network executives butting in and enforcing their script notes always helps a show become a success.
This is going to shock you but the same guy who most likely didn’t check his tire pressure, burned out on a neighborhood street, would look at you with a confused stare if you said something about opposite lock, might not have been wearing his seat belt.
Don't think that I'm wrong since I never made that claim.
No, I’m not wrong.
For me, the Daniel Craig era Bond films are ranked thusly: