
Adam Duritz has talked about the bouts of depression he would go through when he first moved out to Los Angeles back in the late 80’s early 90’s. He ended up living with Ryan Adams and Ben Folds (before any of them “made it”). He talked about how difficult it is to write when you are just starting out; but if you want

Albert King thought that SRV was a hell of a guitar player. That’s pretty much all you need to know about Stevie’s playing.

Seen him play a couple of times and every time it’s the same two feelings: Elation after witnessing greatness and a touch of depression. I consider myself a musician (I can play a couple of instruments), but watching people who are so good at something that it looks like they aren’t even trying can be discouraging.

What’s crazy is that people really care about this stuff and so it actually draws viewers. If nobody watched, they wouldn’t dedicate so much airtime to the carnival. So that’s their excuse.

Is this the Brisket Bandit that has been terrorizing places for the last few months? Also, where in San Antonio are you?

Got to love a guy who would rather “keep it 100” than spend the rest of his life as a millionaire once he retired at 35.

Well if you can’t beat her in your apartment, and you can’t beat her when you are out on a date; where, pray tell, are you supposed to hit her to get her to stop with all of that back-sass?

The problem is that the worst 10% have guns and are more than willing to use them. Now this asshole was probably in the worst 10% of that 10% (cops who not only feel zero remorse when killing a civilian but concoct a story to justify their murders) what really needs to happen are psych evaluations every 2 years for

While it was pretty well known before the episode that Drew had written for GQ, what became incredibly clear while watching the episode, was that he had never read it.

I prefer the Stephen A Smith explanation that Chip is a racist who cut the players because they were black.

I live my life 1/4 mile at a time. As such, I have no use for you and your bullshit “math”.

If the reader finds it funny (no relatable life experience) it is totally ok.

I don't think that it was an itch, I just don't think that Tony Hall liked having someone who had more clout than he did. Clarkson was bigger than the BBC and I think that he treated the BBC executives as such. I believe that they place a higher value on toeing the line and kissing the ring than they do on actual

It pisses me of to no end, because you know what Tymom would most likely have wanted? A steady job. This is something that years ago would have been handled with an apology, a handshake, an envelope full of money, and a stellar reference (if he in fact wished to leave the job at all). Instead we get 2 weeks of

Beer 1 - St. Arnold's "Summer Pils"

Looks like his birthday wish came true. He finally found a 3 year old that he can whip the shit out of without getting any grief.

I'm pretty sure that the only people that I ever gave my college email to are on Seeking Arrangements. In case you are wondering, it's:

Der Shteek