Yesterday's Jam

We've only known about this for a few hours but yet I've already heard several (mostly male) relatives go on about the fact that she has been hospitalised and how women have been having children for millions of years and why can't she just suck it up like everyone else blah blah BLAH BLAH. I don't get it - is it

Sooo agree! They should totally review/recap (Rucap!?) each week. The lipsync (for. your. life.) was INCREDIBLY emotional. In a way I was annoyed nobody got kicked off because it'd been such a rollercoaster and then it was like there was no payoff... But in another way, I love Rujubee so I can't wait to see how they

Am I the only one who read 'Jesse James is getting married (for the fifth time) to drag racer Alex Dejori' and instantly assumed he was marrying a drag queen? Rupaul is in my BRAIN.

She was running late to this too. Not three hours late, like she was at her Berlin show, but late nonetheless.

This is really, really bad. But I just HAVE to take a moment to say not all charities are like this. It's really shit when stuff like this happens because it makes people mistrust all charity organisations. Both of my parents have worked for one (World Vision) and I saw the work they did first hand and the difference

Now playing

These stories always make me think of Femident toothpaste: the toothpaste for women, by women.

I work in TV too, though factual rather than drama/comedy and definitely work with a lot of (other) female producers and directors. In the production companies I've worked for, the office has usually been predominantly female. What I find interesting though is the differing payrates between roles and who occupies the

I actually feel like crying.

It amuses me that Wand Erection will be featured in the closing ceremony. I wonder if they've ever heard of Nude Erections, the performing troupe often seen performing on Glee?

Ahhhh yes! I love her, I love watching her athleticism. I'm so proud of her. She is just inspirational on so many levels!

Can anybody suggest a more reputable charity? Child Soldiers International maybe? I have so many facebook friends going on about the video and I want to suggest they actually take some action by donating...

OMG I am so embarrassed by this! It does feel like NZ keeps on popping up on here for doing twatty things but we're really ok most of the time, honest! Unfortunately we have not yet achieved perfection... as much as we like to tell ourselves we have... but I was definitely surprised to see this story on the cover of

Oh what a relief that Blue was delivered vaginally, I'm so glad that Beyonce didn't CHEAT and have a c-section. Being cut open is such an easy way out. Real winners squeeze the baby out of their vaginas, it's the ONLY way to prove that you are suitable mothering material.

Tall Poppy Syndrome, 'she'll be right' and the much newer 'PC gone mad' brigade... Whatever that means! I hate that now to be offended by anything is to be over sensitive! People go on about political correctness going mad all the time but WHAT DOES THAT ACTUALLY MEAN ANYWAY? Does it mean that it's ok to say stuff

I love this. 'All women like weaving!' 'No, weaving is a man's game'.

It really feels like 2011 is the year the planet really decided to fuck with us but then I guess that's because I come from a small city where 182 people died this year when an 'aftershock' decided to come and shake us up quite literally. We had the big one in 2010 and we were all feeling so relieved, almost smug -