
Solidarity forever,

But, the real question is, can the game massively decrease the net amount of entropy in the universe?

Hey, professional Doms can make 70 bucks an hour doing this.

For Non-American readers, there are 400 congressmen in the New Hampshire State House of Representatives* (each person representing about 3000 people) and the place only pays $100 per year for being a congressman, which means that a) it’s not that hard to get elected, and b) only really, shall we say, dedicated people

For the love of God, white people, spice you food.

What’s with Japan and their fetish of wearing two belts simultaneously?

They ended up putting ceremonial guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa because people kept using the covering-slab as a park bench—probably not realizing that there is an actual person under there—the final straw being some drunk nitwit pissing on it.

After years of taking art classes as a kid in the backrooms of an art gallery containing some of the fiercest security personnel I’ve ever met (I guess constantly having to with kids carrying liters of paint past priceless art does that to a person). I now instinctively fold my arms across my chest and stick my hands

On the flip side of the coin, it is kinda intesting to note the Catholic Church’s long, long, long list of Virgin-Martyrs.


The Redcoats are coming, the Redcoats are coming!

Their eye colours match, bless.

Well, I liked the film’s rendition of “Roxanne” better than the actual song by The Police.

The Wikipedia (peace be upon it) informs me that the plot was a mash-up of La Traviata/La Dame aux Camélias (i.e. the bit about prostitutes with tuberculosis) and La bohème (i.e. the bit about poor writers) and the stylistics was inspired by Bollywood musicals.

People who use the word “curate” unironically outside of a museum should be taken behind a shed and be put down humanely.

What’s up with the 90s and classical literature in teen movies?

In Japan, The Liberal Democratic Party is hard-right conservative and nationalist, it was so named because it arose from a merger of the Japan Democratic Party and the Liberal Party. The party is pretty much conservative by default as it has been in power for 50 years straight, also, the party was hand-crafted by the