
I think it was Orson Scott Card who once mentioned that Meyer’s writing had the “pillowy quality of internet fan fiction”. Which I thought was a fair and distinctive assessment.

“I’m gonna build a wall, and make the Puritans pay for it!”

The dark blue line represent the total number of people killed by terrorist actions in Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1980 (e.g. the Dunmurry train bombing), not just those who died at Lockerbie.

The Ireland-Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998.

The longer UK bar is dark blue, the shorter Germany bar is light blue.

By the look of things, ISIS-”proper” is not really doing anything beyound providing ideological literature and basic tips on conducting an attack. By all accounts ISIS in the west is run on the “franchise” model, in which it has almost no direct control over any of the attacks, but independent attackers will either

To be fair, Europe back in the 70s and 80s was not exactly a cakewalk either.

This sounds like the statement a kidnapping victim makes while desperately blinking H-E-L-P in Morse code with his eyes.

Are you a Taylor Swift Truther? Can a Taylor Swift bring down WTC7?

To be fair, it’s not all poutines and tabernacs over here in the land-of-always-winter.

So. a back ally abortionist?

Also, I don’t know if it’s just me, but it does take a surprising amount of effort to understand Modern Parisian French if all you know is Montreal French. It’s that supernaturally flat cadence they all have over there that makes every sentence sound like a very long word. It’s quite hypnotic, actually.

Damn, my wishful thinking had me convinced this would be in French.

Godddamit. I missed a line reading your comment. Sorry about that.

A missionary who had been to China

And of course, the funny thing is that most of Sub-Saharan Africa is considerably more Christian, percentage-wise, than Toronto.

Have you tried this Canada thing where a year of university education is only $6000 to $8000 dollars?

But the real question is, are they actively fucking tho?

That may not be the most respectful way to commemorate the 1989 massacre at Tian’anmen Square tho.

In tribute to Ms. Linton, I am also announcing my new memoir, recounting the time I sailed up the Congo River to search for a mysterious ivory trader named Kurtz.