
Funnily enough, the current Reddit Consensus (tm) about Pao is that she was basically the fall-guy (gal?) CEO. They bring her in, she makes a whole bunch of changes, user shit-storm happens, they fire her, bring back the old CEO, users rejoice, and in their giddy joy, they conveniently fail to notice that the new

The skin is an organ, it is composed of cells which carries self-identifying markers and DNA that are different from those of the host—thus the immune system considers it as a foreign threat that needs to be destroyed.

I don’t think midwives are permitted to prescribe and administer medication. But I know that in Canada, accredited midwives are required to have emergency meds (i.e. for bleeding, oxygen, and such) on hand.

At this point, the most cost-effective and ethical cancer donation thing you can do is probably go to your local research university and buying the grad students a nice a sandwich platter.

Now playing

A propos of nothing, here’s some nice music from O Brother, Where Art Thou?

You mean Rasberry Cordial.

But chasing a pigskin sphere around a lawn is worth $10 million a year.

Simultaneously overcoddled and overworked. As a single child in China, you reap not only all the luxuries that would otherwise have went to your siblings, but also all of the expectations and pressures.

I think it’s because this movie’s theme relied so heavily on the Original Trilogy motifs that the entire soundtrack just sounded extremely derivative. Whereas in the prequel trilogy, the Original Trilogy themes are restricted to some choice cameos*, which lets John William to go off the leash.

And I thought it was funny how Daisy Ridley looked a lot like Keira Knightley from certain angles. And Keira was cast in the prequel movies as Padme’s handmaiden because she looked like Natalie Portman.

Is this the one where DJ and Kimmy are married to each other and have three adorable boys?


No, you are thinking of Acute Autistic CancerAIDs (AACA).

As a male, I got it as a part of a clinical trial* (back when it was not covered for men). Which I thought was pretty cool.

Also, the BCG Vaccine (originally created against Tuberculosis) is an extremely efficacious treatment for bladder cancer.

I think nerds and STEM grads who like the show do it because it gives them a certain comfort because, hey, at least they are way more functional that those nitwits.

We made a vaccine against Cancer.

I think Satan will take offense to that.

Goddamn it, just put lights and reflective strips on everything. I know this is black-peacoat season but do realize that a solid black blob crossing the road is hard to see.