Macross was my jam

Your opinion is bad, and you should feel bad.

I just read the column (because someone kindly pasted it into the comments in a thread above) and had the exact same response.

Replying to myself because I’ve gotten a couple of responses to this comment talking about how people or the internet just want to be “outraged” about something and that’s not really the point I was trying to make here. There are plenty of legitimate things to be outraged about...and there are plenty of people lining

Well, thanks, babe. It means a lot to me. :)

100 percent agree. i owned it day 1 on pc. it had its quirks but yeah, the outrage and temper tantrums people seemed to be throwing completely hindered this game’s reception. the worst part was the things that were wrong, would ordinarily have been fixed before launch, but EA who owns Bioware forced them to launch it

Do I need a cell phone number to communicate with another show?

Star just for this screen name. . . ok, carry on.

I would not say 65 million players is not a bad number. No one expected the 750 million to hold up.

The DOJ and DOC use a formula for this as their legal basis for denying mergers.

As a large-handed gamer, the Xbox’s Duke and the Dreamcast controllers were just the right size for me. Hyperkin’s got my interest.

I want to give her 10 Mother of the Year Awards. What a phenomenal advocate for her daughter. Brava, Gianna Constand!


As a fellow (male) teacher, I have to kindly advise to shut your ass up. School is not a job for these kids. Our students are not adults. If they want to dress in a way that makes them comfortable or happy, I’m all for it. If it offends your delicate sensibilities, I’m all the fuck for it even more.


Is anybody else tickled by the idea that Scaramucci was sufficiently boy-scoutish that he thought in order to take a job in the administration he’d have to sell his business? Did he not pay attention to the man he was helping elect?

I had my first sexual encounter to that movie!!!!

I’ve been making it a point to read and find out more of each of the victims as they are named. I was reading through Martyn Hett’s twitter, a young man who tragically was lost, and he gave me an unexpected laugh this morning:

She made a command decision that we were going to not be in a battle to the death. Just being nicer to each other on an everyday basis helped. Of course it takes both.

It’s just where the dynamic is at: years of butting heads, maybe with a sprinkling of kids. You get to a low point and you have to get through it by changing something.