Macross was my jam

My relationship is pretty unusual because I grew up with a stay-at-home mother that had physical and mental health problems, including hoarding and ADD. So my dad did most of the shopping and cleaning and from-scratch weekend meals while she did laundry, transporting kids, and weekday cooking (just boxes and cans

I should. Go?

My daughter’s doctor even explained this when we went to her for a scrip. She told her there’s no way to know what pill is going to be right for you until we try, so let’s start here. I don’t know what some of these people think doctors do when prescribing BC.

I just took my teenage daughter to get her first BC prescription and it was exactly the same. “Hey doc, I’d like some BC pills ‘cause my periods suck.” “Alrighty, let’s try this one and see how it goes.” Out the door in five minutes. A pharmacist could have definitely handled that conversation.

I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which

Excuse me, what? Where the fuck do you get off talking to me like that? I asked you a simple question: what kind of testing? I have been prescribed various forms of birth control for 13 years and never had any “tests” prior to being given a script

You are doin God’s work, here.

so should be regulate 

Oh, man.

That is your opinion, on birth control pills being linked to depression. You are always entitled to your opinion, but this opinion is not shared by the ob/gyn community.

I don’t like this idea that people have to explain why they want to take substance X. no one ever ask me why i take aspirin and i take 2 grams at a time because i want to. it will likely kill me. but, is that really anyone damn business.

You’re a good dude.

Thank you. <3


I hope that’s the case, but I worry that again and again the loudest voices reflect these terrible ideas.

As much as I love video games, I never have been able to understand people who take the hobby into obsession territory... I mean the idea of attacking/harassing/stalking someone is so beyond my comprehension and understanding of people. Some people truly are not worthy of life.

The polar opposite extreme would be a group of women doxxing and threatening to rape video game developers for games they didn’t like, not a woman voicing her opinions on a youtube channel.

The craziest part of their conspiracy theory? That one person is responsible for all the animations in a AAA game.

Columbus to El Paso is a VERY specific scenario for picking nits. A 200 mile range is fine for most applications, I think you’re overstating range anxiety, most households have at least two cars.

There’s something really wrong with the guy and the way he keeps trying to joke about Nazis and Hitler. Any normal person would have given it a rest already.