Macross was my jam

People really notice, and while people who explicitly call it out are a minority, it’s a majority that have pejorative thoughts and feelings around height. I’m 5'9" which I never thought was short, but I’m in a city full of 6'+ people and I remember having a lot of problems in the dating world. And this coming from a

I think flirting is fun, harmless, and healthy. I would not mind at all if my wife got a little flirty with other people. She, on the other hand, is totally against it. She’s aware I have a certain level of unconscious or muscle memory flirting that I have to check myself, and she will point it out but not get too

because of your image, I am now imagining Mueller saying that and I’m laughing now.

tag me as disgusted. I didn’t have the stomach to finish reading. I hope these women get justice and this motivates other directors to shape up.

Also: Jennifer Connelly. Mmmmmmm :-)

Ask SK about that. They wouldn’t agree with that sentiment. I don’t think anyone agrees with that. They lack the numbers, and without US intervention, they lack the armaments.

I caught your joke and laughed.

I don’t totally agree with this. Like people, some dogs love to have a buddy and some don’t. My girl definitely makes it known she gets priority time with me, but I’ll tell you that she loves my boy and my boy would be lost without her. The only competition my girl sees is my wife. She has started to become buddy

I have two tiny dogs that don’t add up to a single full sized dog. Hence probably why I experienced this so much. Dogs are great in pairs though.

I was told (this is not my opinion and I don’t condone stereotyping) that it means you’re married or gay. I’ve been told this by many people at the dog park so I tend to believe it’s a common stereotype (but again, I don’t condone it).

Yeah I have a Yorkie and a Yorkie mix. The mix was a shelter dog who did not get along with anyone except my dog, so they’re inseparable now.

or maybe it’ll help narrow your options down to a true soul mate.

I was told (this is not my opinion and I don’t condone stereotyping) that it means you’re married or gay. I’ve been told this by many people at the dog park so I tend to believe it’s a common stereotype (but again, I don’t condone it).

Two dogs however... Powerful signal to back away. I would always laugh at the dog park. One of my dogs is very clingy and sticks near me, so a woman would walk up and start chatting with me. Then my other dog ran up and she would go “Ohhhhhh you have two dogs....sorry I didn’t realize” and then leave. This happened

I think this hit piece is a trash (From Comet. Not your writing Megan. You rock). Millennials are increasingly having to deal with debt and low wages along with a failing ecosystem in ways that recent generations did not. First this generation is slammed for being too flighty and irresponsible (avocado toast), then

ah...yeah I should have checked Black Hamster’s posting history first. One of Kinja’s longer running trolls I see...

Vibranium-Man suit? Yes please...

but...I am... or at best a giant man-child? I’m Sorry. I didn’t mean to say anything pandering.

I knew this movie would be a big deal. I went to a theater that’s predominantly asian and white, but the audience that day? I am pretty sure I was the only white boy there. The movie is something special. I want to go back and see it again.

The mechanics? Do we need to get out birds and bees? There’s something cathartic for two people who hate each other to take out that aggression in a healthy way.