Macross was my jam

I once had a former friend (and the former was a result of this conversation) explain to me how all women are hookers and that going on a date is a form of payment for sex, so it’s totally okay for dudes to get angry when girls don’t put out. Our friendship was soundly and permanently ended that day. Thanks to Reddit,

Ooooooo!!!! that sounds awesome. Is that the science museum in LA?

good work parties are good. drink tickets and afternoon treats are bad. Either go all out or go home. Don’t waste the cash on a milquetoast event.

Hmm I guess Hikaru was 16 in the original Macross but 18 in DYRL and 19 in Robotech. So that’s not SOOOOO bad (though now opens up issues with Lisa/Misa)

Mr. Robot is amazing. But it’s very bizarre.

I’ve never seen Yugo, so I’ll look into that. Monster and Psycho-pass aren’t her thing. A little too much dark psychological horror. She doesn’t mind dark, or horror, but the psychological part is a little too much. Like a non-anime example, she HAAAAAAAAATES Mr. Robot because it makes her feel sick.

Nowi’s slave outfit is ridiculous. You can’t play the game in public with her on your team.

Yeah Cecilia, it’s very frustrating. Even when there’s an anime with a great story, there’s someone that looks under 18 showing off fan service in pretty much every anime. My wife has a really bad impression of Anime and I can’t argue against that much. Macross (my favorite) isn’t bad (though Minmei is 15 and there

Even if they aren’t 700, they end up being “19" and look like they’re 14. It’s everywhere. It’s in almost all anime. At least Macross had minmey look similar to the 18+ yearolds when she was 15 (Still skives me out when I think back to that, and that’s coming from someone with Macross in their username).

to be fair, it probably got beat up’s Tacoma. The only place I’ve had my car dinged more in a parking lot than Tacoma, is Bellevue.

you sure they just didn’t want you parking too close to their car? I’ve had bimmer owners tell me I can’t park next to their car in public lots before (no car show or anything). I’ve even seen guys park and pull out traffic cones from their trunk and set them down on the neighboring spaces. obnoxious.

well seattle land owners are most of the problem too. People are SUPER NIMBY here. So they won’t allow low income housing in their neighborhoods, won’t allow apartment buildings or condos, and really love the street sweeps. Everyone just wants to shove the problem somewhere else, at huge expense, without doing

yeah it doesn’t help that the men’s shirts retail for $80 but are similar quality to old navy/gap. They go on sale for $25 which is a little high but maybe about right for what you get. I question why anyone would ever buy their stuff at full price. I just walk straight to the back clearance section and don’t look

“The huge influx of Amazon money and homeless people exported from other cities to temperate Seattle has basically obliterated any kind of affordable housing in Seattle.”

They haven’t. As a resident of seattle, the homeless problem is somewhat caused by the general pricing out of the market (which many, many companies have contributed to, as have the residents), but mostly the gentle temperate climate and liberal politics around homelessness. Outside cities export their homeless to

counterpoint: Turkey is amazing and it’s a crime that you can’t easily get it all year long. I wait all year for my favorite holiday activity: Turkey eating. I love to gobble gobble up that bird. I love taking the remaining scraps and putting it into a casserole afterwards. It is a blissful time. I love the post

The irony is that men want OUT of the engagement ring business. There’s increasing pressure and the costs keep going up (1 month salary? I heard that was how it was in the 40s. I was told it used to be 2 months salary until recently and now it’s “at least” 3 months salary). I did not go into debt but I definitely

Thank you for the recommendation though!!!!! And no disrespect to the product. It juts didn’t work for me for some reason. I still have a half bottle in my shower though haha.

I have. I actually was not super enthused by it. I have a really oily face and it didn’t do enough to cut through, even with a clarsonic.

You’re always made to shake hands with your bully and become friends. It’s such a load of crap. I learned important lessons in my time at grade school: No matter who starts it, always be the one who finishes it. And also never get caught being beat up by a bully, because you’ll have to apologize to them.