Can’t wait for the Switch Pro controller to take over. I thought it looked like a terrible knock off android controller but now that I use it, I’m pretty happy. It’s almost as good as an XBO controller
Can’t wait for the Switch Pro controller to take over. I thought it looked like a terrible knock off android controller but now that I use it, I’m pretty happy. It’s almost as good as an XBO controller
THANK YOU! This is my all time favorite Castlevania game. In no small part because of the music and set design. I played so much of this game.
Young gamers are a tough crowd.
Macross is timeless and forever. :-)
Oh yeah, I remember reading that way back in the day. That totally aligns with the short time I spent with him. I told him how much I loved Fable and while he didn’t cry, he definitely seemed emotional. The analog I draw is like when parents put that “My son is an honor roll student!” on their car. Just that way…
Back in the day at PAX (when developers also manned the booths as a matter of course) you’d get to play the game with a developer right there with you. You definitely get the sense that the devs aren’t overselling the game, though they are very proud of it (as they should be). Some games end up missing promises…
I can confirm. I got the same story at 4 different gamestops in the PNW. It’s telling that for many months the store would ONLY sell bundles as well. I felt that this was bait and switch but nobody seemed to be complaining.
right next to “Data-driven”
Nintendo is shockingly inconsistent about ball stomping. Project M shut down because they worried they MIGHT get a C&D, but Nintendo never did bust their balls.
Churches can be the worst. I used to be involved with a church and they were discussing replacing an organist after ours retired. They discussed how they could cut the pay and benefits hugely for the new person (they didn’t NEED to. They COULD). Some of us pushed back hard on this. The response was that the pay and…
I remember interviewing at a “non-profit” medical facility after college and they balked at me asking for $14 an hour for a job other companies were paying $30-40.
lol foil fresh...
If nobody read the grey’s I would never get out of them. That said, I apparently need a profile pic now....
Can’t wait for the death threats to roll in from the commenters here... :(
Seems like a lot of moe anime girls with cleavage. For this reason I’ll never get this past Mrs. Macross...
Sorry to disappoint! Just a white dude in a red flannel shirt living in the only non-burning part of the PNW right now.
This is a joke right? Skinny jeans are everywhere. I rarely see anything different here in the PNW.
Man as it starts to get hot I definitely pull out the skinny jeans. They tend to be thinner and don’t hold onto hot air as much for me. Caveat: I’m a guy, so maybe my jeans are constructed differently.
I have, thankfully, no data to speak on your hugeness or not. Merely that many women have been socially influenced to tell their male partners that they are huge, regardless of whether they actually are or not.
Same reason why every guy is told he is huge.