Macross was my jam

Look I’m a well adjusted adult. I listen to a lot of podcasts though and it gets weird if you go to a meet and greet (set up by the podcasters) and you connect in the same way that you feel as when they do the podcast. As a well adjusted adult I know how to compartmentalize this. To appreciate the feeling of intimacy

Definitely a terrific article. I feel tired after reading it though. Every time I think it’s done and sank to the lowest level, it just gets worse (the situation. Not the writing. The writing is good of course)!!! I had a babysitter who was an olympic gymnast right around the events you mentioned. I remember when she

The only times I’ve seen someone blow you off so dismissively is when you beat a dead horse and the person is tired of exchanging messages with you.

The best part is I can totally see and hear the whole thing play out in my head. The Monarch sitting there in his angry pensive pose and then just losing it on Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.

Sadly as we’ve seen recently, even being unconscious and face down in something doesn’t stop a guy from trying to have sex (read: rape) with you.

Can confirm. I used to be a regular at a bar and this group of guys thought I was their “bro”. They would explain that being married means nothing now because a) the ring is probs fake and it’s a womanly trick, and b) everyone cheats anyway, and c) they’re doing the husband a favor by uncovering that the woman is a

Didn’t you expect this though? The Monarch has had public outbursts with you in the past but he always seems to cave to your ideas in the end. I’d blame his parents but...well :-(

Have you looked into anterior pelvic tilt? There are actually some specific stretches and exercises you can do for it. I had this issue (full disclosure, I’m a dude, but supposedly gender don’t matter for this issue) and the stretching exercises fixed it. Without physically seeing you I have no idea and I might be way

oh yes that old trick where women get pregnant to screw over their company. I’ve heard that one many times. I’m sure countless women are just waiting for sweet benefits so they can squeeze more out of the company.

So when MMA was brand new they just let match fixing slide?

If you cheat in highschool football, you get banned from college and AFL/NFL leagues. Why is this different?


Yeah I mean that doesn’t really negate my point. Label rapists. Educate better. Because the rate is pretty gross.

Oh no no. Read what I said above carefully. We have an unacceptable rape problem. 1 in 5 means most people don’t rape though.

For most people it would never occur to them to actually rape someone. Even in this fucked up world where we have a ridiculously high rape rate, I can still say MOST people wouldn’t rape. Label the asshole.

Saints Row 3 is one of my all time favorite games. 2? I don’t know...I played 3 first so I think that colored expectations.

Insurance Fruad was the best part of 3. You take that back!!! I modeled my character after Beyonce so the look on her face when the dude says “let’s go play in traffic” made me crack up so bad.

I see “Aspie” used a lot too, even though aspergers is considered somewhat outmoded thinking (all ASD now). I will say that there’s a ton more awareness these days. At work sometimes there will be someone who is exceedingly difficult to work with. In the past people would just say that this person was “weird” or a

Well and O’Reilly tried to get some credibility by soft-balling conservatives. Playing at questioning them. Until recently Tucker never did that. He has been fake-criticizing the administration on a few points to get some of that moderate cred, so we’ll see. Maybe with age Tucker can become O’Reilly.

I remember someone said they loved their husband more than they loved their kids. And they felt guilty about it. People shamed her big time about it. I think people need to stop worshiping at the baby/children alter. You don’t have to lose your identity to your kids. Obviously as a guy I am not under the same