Macross was my jam

Sushi for sure is more expensive here, but we have some great fish. You just have to be careful about the fusion places, plus yelp reviews are pretty slanted toward college students so some of the shittier places get propped up.

Oh I’m sure that’s the case. Sushi rice doesn’t hold together super well without vinegar so the nigiri would just fall apart otherwise

I’ll have to check it out. Everyone who moves to seattle just gushes about how amazing LA is with sushi...I went down there and I was like “meh.” Between Tokyo sushi and Seattle sushi though I just have super high standards on fish quality. I have to go down to LA pretty frequently so I would LOVE to be wrong.

Insurance companies are pretty good with their stats. If you wait until you’re older to start driving, you get a discount on insurance because those who learned to drive at 15/16 are statistically more likely to get in an accident through their 20s than someone who learned when they were in college. Teenagers are

I’ve heard rumors that sushi in socal is some sort of transcendent experience which makes me suspect of the OP’s claim (though I’ll say socal sushi was a massive letdown. Let me know if you have some good recommendations!) It’s pretty obvious by taste if it has rice wine vinegar or not. I’ve had some places that used

Cali must be rough. In Seattle, nearly every sushi restaurant prepares with rice wine vinegar. I think Blue C is the only place I’ve been to that didn’t obviously do that, but then I would never go back there (for a number of reasons)

Knives still don’t kill nearly the number of people guns do. I think the obsession with gun restrictions is well founded.

I’ve never heard this story before. Thank you notmyyacht for raising awareness!

We butt heads on the wedding a lot. I wanted cheaper and simpler. She stresses about everything. She has a lot more societal (and parental) pressure around weddings though. I have concerns over having kids together because she has not been able to handle stress around the wedding well, but she says kids are different

Fffffffffffffff you mean I’m being a shitty partner for being super happy that she handles the calendar? Uhhhggggg I gotta go apologize to my fiancée now :(

I was given cash. You bet those carpets were vacuumed consistently. I needed to get me more ninja turtles...

Yes this. I have to actively push to take on more to keep things level, because my fiancee just puts everything on herself. Partially because I don’t do as good of a job as her in a lot of things.

Because as a dude you don’t really ever learn this. At a young are girls are taught all this stuff like cooking and cleaning etc. Boys in general are not, so we don’t understand the full scope of things. It gets continued when we’re older because even if we are woke and want equality, the women in our lives have the

I should go.

that’s terrifying.

wait, you have to worry about pervs in the dressing room???

It is the loudest voices that reflect those horrible values. That’s the problem. Gamers need to take responsibility for the community and rein it in. Gaming companies have done nothing, either letting their forums become unmoderated sewers, or shutting off forums and ceeding control of the community to reddit.

There’s opinions and then there’s harassments. There’s also disgusting opinions.

No this is not gaming mainstream. Mainstream gamers don’t get involved with any of this bullshit. We mainstream gamers do need to root out these sad people with self esteem and abandonment issues from the gaming community so they can stop doing harm. They’re a tiny minuscule part of the gaming community, but they’re

Oh we did get an answer. It’s nearly non-existent.