
Is everything that Giz reviews approved?

While I appreciate everything The Beatles accomplished and inspired, I don't care for a lot of their music. But that's just an opinion, and I know how many people absolutely love almost every song they have ever made.

@funstraw: You best be trollin'.

Is AOL seriously still around? Just make the world a better place and die already...

Nowadays this thing is absolutely useless. No-one memorizes phone numbers anymore. Also, $143? NEXT!

@winstonsicle: I don't know about you but my iPhone fits pretty damn well in my pocket.

I don't understand how that Dr Bronner's soap works

Wow this is actually so perfect. My girlfriend is a major hippy, so I'll definitely consider some of these items.

@demographic: Clearly, you're in one end of the extreme that must have terrible hangovers. For some odd reason, I very rarely get hangovers (and when I do, it's more like a tiresome headache), whether I'm drinking beer or liquor. I feel like genetics must play a role in it somewhere...

I've been using Kik for a few days now, and I have to say that it's been a good experience. No bugs, no hassles. And it's convenient when I have to text somebody if I happen to be in a No Service area/building.

If this is true, I'll be saving as much Nutella as I can in my cupboard.

Are you serious? Wired controller is no deal.

I voted for GoDaddy solely on the customer service experience.

@akuma_619: Oh I'm sure they didn't forget; they left it out on purpose. Why would they tell you to block the ads on their site? It would lower revenue.

@AlexFarr: These sites make money from ad revenue, they can't tell you to block their ads.