Will it have rainbows behind it when I jump something?
Will it have rainbows behind it when I jump something?
What a lot of people don't realize is that the pilot needs some entertainment. Can you imagine flying a 747 on an international flight without a co-pilot to have a 9-hour small talk session with? It's preposterous!
The bigger question is why we don't have hover cars yet.
What's the logic of BLOWING UP something that was supposed to blow up?
@MWAussie: This article was on Gizmodo in the first place. Eventhough it's really not tech-related. Also, I'd promote your comments if I could, haha. I agree with you; despite my tasteless comment, it wasn't a jab at anyone other than the guy burning Qur'ans.
@MWAussie: Well they stripped me of my shiny lil' star for simply pointing something out.
@RT100: That's the switch to turn the charging feature on/off.
@Roadblockx: Even though I may not have potrayed it nicely, I'm just pointing out the irony of it all.
Why doesn't he burn Bibles as well? They're just as dumb.
@EvilMilkshake: True, but when comparing the Exolife and the Mophie, Mophie's looks and feels better than Exolife's.
Are you for real? Mophie has had a case for a while now. Not only that, but it's much nicer than this one, for a more reasonable price.
@clearzero: regardless, it's great that the exploit has been found already. I've already taken advantage of the jailbreakme.com rage, so I can be patient for this update to come out.
[...] and of course, the squirrels.
And what happens when the integrated Xbox RRoD's?
Eventhough I wouldn't buy this, I have to admit that the marketing team did a great job with that video.
I have a mirror on the wall with that effect. I'm surprised I haven't seen it used in other ways.
This seems like it wouldn't work very well, actually. Most computers join their home network automatically, no one actually goes through the list of available WiFi every time.
@kl0an: Right, you would think that it's perfectly fine, but AT&T doesn't think so.
@CaptainJack: True. Though, to be fair, anyone with a #0 Phillips screwdriver is able to swap out a batter on an iPhone 4. The back cover slides right off, and the battery is exposed, just like a regular phone, so that's what I would do.