lucifr jr.

upvote that!

oh… basic html, thanks haha dumb_me

Snow either… Friends zone is not their thing…LOL

Schedule schedule kills me now… T_T

how to make some thing italised?

does that mean no Arrow too? or just Flash?

Ahh okay, so is that a big deal? hmmp just kidding.

No EPISODE next week? somebody why?

And Harrison Wells did not stand up this time….

And who didn't laugh when she said,

For me they would be like, "OH WHAT DID I MISS OUT? I SHOULD BE WATCHING ARROW TOO." coz she's just amazingly perfect in any way.

I wouldn't mind if Felicity won't work for the Arrow anymore and transfer to the Star labs, so do it writers. I beg you.

It looked a lot like a finale for me, Flashity kiss scene was just perfect.

Yeah… :) Maybe Ollie has a thing for islands…Hmmp

Ok genius!

I mean Olllie's flashback, they got flashback though but twas THEA's

Wow.. thats the best idea ever…:)


I was stranded on an Archipelago of the Philippines but that would be too long to say for an intro right?

can't blame her for what she is going through…