lucifr jr.

These 2 old xmen better be in home for the Aged X-men.

Iris is annoying than ever.

Emmy was talking about THE FLASH and they are laughing and joking about it like its hard to believe they liked a CW show. Crap.

NO Wells standing tonight.

Just when i thought Cisco could not be more annoying. Kill the guy already!

It so seemed like a finale and i was cool with it. SO loved it.

yeah! i also thought that! they have to explain that.

I have a crazy theory now that HOOK has literally has no HEART, they will put the MARIAN's heart to him and HE will fall in love with ROBIN and the BROMANCE begin. Meanwhile, SWANQUEEN also celebrates.

Anna is just amazing. Perfect in any way.

Remember when Ingrid was rubbing the bottle before Rumple showed up? That's how she erased the memory since she met the snow queen.

or "arrow-mazing"

and he'd be like, 'OMG i should have blogged it!'

that's the season 2.5, its in comics.

the only flashback i can connect the dots with.

Who's that Cupid, stupid?

Arrowing with a boxing glove! Best part of the show!!! They should do it more often.

in season 1 she's amazing and she knew kickboxing!

This is the only Russian flashback that made sense.

I'm just disappointed why they killed off Sara with that bullshit of excuse.., non sense and stupid, cupid!

I agreeā€¦ She's amazing tonight!