
Yah but also consider this:

The T-72 was built to own all the libs

I kind of thought Instant Pots were overrated, and then I made stock that you could sculpt after a night in the refrigerator. Now my Instant Pot is almost a uni-tasker for making stock, and I’m very ok with that.

Haha, so true. I was 3 when ROTJ came out, but for years I had all the action figures, and a speeder bike that would break into three pieces if you pressed a button. I remember watching commercials on TV for AT-ATs in the late 80's and wanting them SO BADLY.

This is just Cats with updated CG. Every week they change it. Next week it’s going to be Bad Boys III.

What is this “vote” of which you speak?

I stand by my assertion that Troy McClure put that title together.

A pregnant waitress already got more than the tip.

Familiarity isn't want Star Wars fans want. Good writing IS. 

I still liked a lot of what TLJ did, but yeah: I’ll probably never care about genre fiction nearly as much as I used to

That’s a simplistic understanding of history, and I think the assumption that Trump hasn’t committed crimes against humanity is odd.

Well great, after reading that, I’ll never be able to enjoy Snow Dogs again.

Your friend sounds terrible

Maybe the drivers and teams should try getting good

I liked it. : (

So literally like almost any job?

and we specifically asked them not to be!

“If I say the word “toxic,” you auto-complete it with...”

But you have been watching someone else playing Han Solo in every movie he has appeared in....unless.....I mean......Mr. Ford? Is that you?

That big hairy guy looks like a fun character. I sure hope he survives that cliffhanger.