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    I stand by 10/10! 4/10 for Solo is generous.

    Same actor, same character name (Nobody), same line. Good stuff!

    Empire is 10/10, one of the best movies ever. Everybody who says Citizen Kane is better doesn't actually like movies.

    And 1 billion amazing toys, games, and evenings playing in the back yard. The movies were just the tip of the iceberg for kids.

    TPM strives for a 10, and grabs a 4. RoS casually grabs at a 6 it’s dad promised him he could have if it kept it's grades up, misses, and gets a 5. Both are much more interesting to complain about than watch.

    This is the way. (Not really. There are great video games, toys, and some people love the cartoons, but I can't speak for those. Live action? These three are the only good ones.)

    She’s not very bright.

    Eggs, unfertilized.

    It’s consistent that no one remembers shit in this galaxy. People talk about 20 years ago like it was a million years ago. Considering how long people live, though, that sounds about right.

    You don’t appreciate Star Wars on the same level I do.

    I think the writing is intentionally derivative, just like the first movies. A New Hope was Flash Gordon, and this is Gunsmoke. Unfiltered old school Star Wars, just the way it was when it was at it’s best.

    Beavis and Butthead style mullets, with the high buzzed sides. Beautiful.

    The tech in missile silos is original, big floppy disks and green monitors. Military tech sometimes lasts forever.

    I get that reference!

    Good Humor ain't nothin to fuck with

    I agree. That finger circle thing being white power? No, you can't have it. It's culturally important to my middle school

    I have three kids. For us every corner and crevice is filled with unmatched socks.

    Hey, I heard that too!

    He is famous equally with either hand?