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    Man, I remember that one. It was a really hard question. It opened my eyes in a lot of ways. Yeah, I would have to vote Cruz, because I don’t think he would do as much damage, but it would fucking hurt.

    Someone who would really like to sexually assault someone, but doesn’t have the guts?

    Just because it’s low hanging doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious, delicious, schadenfruit.

    There’s no news there anyway, flipping the table would be a pretty good way to draw attention to your paper/station/blog/whatever. Get permission from your editor or whatever, yeah, but why wouldn’t they want this? Then run a weekly piece, “We still aren’t allowed to go to WH press briefings because we ask hard

    I believe that is true, but I also think a reporter just going in and ripping her up would make that reporter, and that reporter’s employers, look pretty good.

    Parkland kids are used to that.

    I assume you are supporting Ardent with your examples, so just adding that if he had actually gone to a war he would likely be less interested in starting another one.

    You cook and dice the potatoes at the same time by shooting them with an AR-15.

    Even worse, he’s using “literal” to mean “not literal.” 

    Kewpie is also worthy.

    I think this movie is really amazing, but deeply flawed.

    I’m serious, there is a problem with this ban. It will be hard for them to justify it based on other videos that are not being banned and are very similar in many ways. Another example might be improving the power of a car, making it more deadly.

    My rates raising right now!

    Is there a For Sale: Fairly Small, but Enthusiastic Equipment section?

    It is troublesome, for sure. For example, they are not banning videos on how to pick locks, which is similar in the sense that it’s legal to know how and to practice, but it helps in crime.

    They should get Eric Andre to write the next movie.

    So it’s sort of the clip show of movies? 

    Both are great in their own ways, but they are very different things.