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    For instance, I hear he has a huge dick.

    It’s an amazing story of two boys growing up to be two men. Then, in the sequel, one of those men becomes a warboy.

    Basketball and American Presidential elections are zero sum, one team wins and another loses. There isn’t a compromise between teams that will benefit both teams.

    Old fat Chevy Chase still killed it, though. He fell on a drum set in one episode. I can’t remember anything about the episode, just him falling down on a drum set. Genius. 

    It’s been suggested it was for racists, since the ad pissed off liberals.

    No, they were more into repetitive high-impact dickhead trauma.

    Ignorance isn’t a virtue.

    Pal, that’s how old I was when my parents took me to Star Wars!
    For real. Apparently it was a disaster, they took turns taking me to the hall because I was crying, since I was a little baby.

    “Why are these cheese sticks $100?”

    I would like 1 cocaine, please.

    It’s a side hustle economy, everyone has 2 or 3 jobs.

    Thanks for pointing out that it can always be worse!

    I watched a couple movies with my girlfriend when we were visiting my parents one time. There were probably 15 minutes of love scenes during 4 hours of movie. She walked in every time.

    An anthology series of the schemes people do would be really interesting. Capers, like stealing industrial equipment to break into a super high security bank within the time limit. High level corporate folks killing each other off to get promotions. Stealing medical equipment a loved one needs, but they can’t afford.

    There is a grammar error in the second sentence. You have: “This new trailer won’t provide very many additional information,” singular, when it should be: “This new trailer won’t provide very many additional informations,” plural.

    It’s pretty trivial to bypass the Face ID anyway. The only way to make sure it’s locked is to store it in one of those metal briefcases with a handcuff like the movies.