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    I work at Amazon, and yes, people would complain about an extra day to deliver north of the wall.

    Or he doesn't even know Dragons were gone? Like a frozen caveman thawed out and brought to Jurassic Park, he would be uniquely unimpressed. (I know dinos and cavemen didn't live together, but I think it's fun.)

    Or reading the books! Oh, wait…

    I feel you, but he is playing the least lovable character I've seen him play.

    I feel you, but he is playing the least lovable character I've seen him play.

    Yes, that would have been better, if not perfect.

    I think it's pretty divisive, or maybe even disliked by most. I liked it.

    I think it's pretty divisive, or maybe even disliked by most. I liked it.

    In my personal, probably minority, opinion, it would have benefited from more zombies throughout. An ongoing sense of dread would have really paid off this season, as the world starts to really get rolling down this hill.

    Zombies, why?

    I made a similar post just above before I got to this one. It's just so lazy.

    If they had just had backpacks with supplies, and then showed them empty!
    Better yet, show them ride horses to the rock, and then show them later without horses, but with horse bones around.
    It's not even hard, that's the part that bothers me the most.

    The worst was the raven flying across the entire continent and Dany flying back in one night. Ravens and Dragons are supersonic now.

    I was all in from the start, but the thing that I liked the most about the first episodes has been diminished, and the things I liked the least have been enhanced. It started out feeling fairly real, with some fantasy sprinkles. Now people regularly do things that would have seemed very silly if they happened earlier

    Do you know how they compare to wild?

    One million dollars.

    GWB's stuff looks like a kid did it, but accidentally did the eyes perfectly. But they're all that way.


    Mood disorders are a symptom of lead poisoning, so it could be either or both.

    I bet they can, but who know if they were? Pretty slow acting if it is.