
Contracting this virus doesn’t just result in mild illness or death. There’s a whole lot of severe illness and permanent organ damage in the middle.

Dude, this article isn’t attacking you. Not every employer is willing to spend the time and money to make sure their employees are safe and those employees may need some guidance. That’s what this article is about. It doesn’t have one bit of anti-business in it. It’s merely giving employees the information they need

Except it’s a false choice. You’re making it about opening up the economy so small businesses don’t fail, instead of about figuring out ways to protect both small businesses and workers for the duration of the crisis. That’s the line the Republicans are trying to sell, not because they care about small businesses, but

Boycotting dangerous work environments VS drinking lysol.

The premise of this article is that there are about to be some people who won’t be allowed the opportunity to make a choice no matter what group they fall into because if their employers open back up and tell them to report to work they likely won’t be able to refuse without losing their jobs entirely. That is an

That’s how we got our rights in the first place.   We protested.

The Heritage Foundation.

A source for this rumor (Victor Davis Hanson) is a well known Cult45 member that writes for sites like The Heritage Foundation and National Review about topics that usually have absolutely nothing to do about the military, history, or well...reality. It is more BS to gin up support to prematurely lift the various stay

I’m actually genuinely shocked that it’s taken this long for these kinds of stories to arise.

I doubt it’ll be like this once the main threat is over. “Social distancing” is to protect the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. When enough people have herd immunity to the virus, it won’t be able to run out of control anymore. A better president, restocked medical supplies, and an actual pandemic response

If the idea that “I don’t need to worry for X reason,” has crossed your mind in any real way, then you are either insanely ignorant, or a level of selfish and solipsistic I have trouble processing.

Those young people partying on the beach in Florida on their spring break are being very foolish and reckless thinking they won’t get the virus. Also, the Florida governor has refused to close the beaches unlike in California.

All I did was make a list of the key points from the man’s plan. I think you’re angry at the wrong person. 

$60 worth of stuff at CVS would be $30 anywhere else.

They don’t need to draw it out. They are doing everything to prevent Republicans from sweeping it under the rug.

If this were a terrible partisan attack by the Democrats, the Republicans would be making a spectacle out of it. The only reason anything ever gets rushed through in the middle of the night is to cover it up.

Here’s How the Senate Impeachment Trial Will Work