
Very doubtful someone thinking about breaking into some cars thinks “I wonder which of these have a $20 hidden in the console?” and only targets those cars.

And unless you have hard evidence that the opioid epidemic is actually to blame for an increase in car break-ins, I don’t think that argument has a place here.

Just what kind of BS is a non-reserved reserved seat?! And people wonder why nobody takes the trains and Amtrak needs $2b government subsidy.

“I don’t even know why we study history. It’s entertaining, I guess—the dinosaurs and the Neanderthals and the Industrial Revolution, and stuff like that. But what already happened doesn’t really matter. You don’t need to know that history to build on what they made. In technology, all that matters is tomorrow.”

Being a landlord ain’t for sissies. This year, it’s been $1500 in appliance replacements. Last year it was a $10k roof. The year before that, it was $1700 to have some diseased pine trees taken down. Had a deer (we think)
 fight it’s reflection in one of the windows, breaking it. Dryer vent was somehow holding condensat

Agreed. A good friend decided to invest in rental properties. A few years after buying, she was transferred out of state and the housing market took a hit. As a result she was stuck with the properties (couldn’t sell because the market was crap), trying to rent them out from halfway across the country, dealing with

Yup, rental properties can be a great source of income, but the amount of work required can also make it a bit more like a “side hustle” rather than true passive income. I guess a bit of extra work isn’t the worst if you’re otherwise retired, but it’s not exactly comparable to throwing your money into an index fund.

Don’t forget to pick up your golden spoon on the way to being born!

Except with an index fund I just take my money and leave it there. With rental properties I have to deal with finding renters, dealing with a rental agency (if I don’t do it on my own and if I do it on my own there is that headache), when things break it’s up to me to pay for it, and if you have a bad tenant then have

Yeah, don’t be that person.

I think you’re a bit off here. Letting a business track whether or not you’ve opened an email will do nothing to ensure you have more personalized email. If anything it will ensure you receive even more spam.

Yeah, but when assumptions about whether or not you “belong” in the country or are “legal” are made, it could end very badly if you don’t handle it carefully. ICE detained an American Citizen for 1,200+ days, a legitimate citizen who had a passport and birth certificate and everything.

Cool, this is handy to have. Whenever possible, I avoid giving money to a business that will in turn use it against my interests. Like Chik-Fil-A.

(TRIGGER WARNING: this may upset or provoke; if you have that reaction, take a moment to think about what is behind it before you lash out)

You can budget all you want, but if your wages are not keeping with inflation, you are screwed no matter what.

This is a racist statement and I’m flagging it as such

You might like to read the full statement, which goes into detail about this. Many kids experiment with gender expression, and it doesn’t mean they’re trans. Maybe your son is into princess cartoons and wants to wear dresses.

The “American College of Pediatricians” is an anti-LGBT hate group, not a legit professional organization.

I wouldn’t say “reigns supreme”, but it certainly gives a reason for it.
I personally buy a lot of digital content, but I would have no moral issue getting a pirated version of something I previously paid for.